Tuesday 25 June 2024

In case you missed this:



inmate said...

What an arsehole he is, couldn’t spare a days money grabbing. I’m convinced he’s playing to lose the election. Something terrible heads this way.

Mike said...

Mr inmate: the "terrible" has already happened. The UK frog has been in the hot water for years now. The people of the UK don't yet realise the water will soon be at boiling point. Its crystal clear to me viewing from afar.

This is a certainty. The facts cannot be denied. Sunak is just the latest bit player in this tragedy.

inmate said...

From the day the Ukraine invasion started, I thought: This is the most dangerous war of my lifetime and will change the world, like WW1 did. Now, I no longer follow the coverage. The MSM are just repeating their childish narrative, but it's getting really scary now.

I spent three months in the Soviet Union, in Ukraine, and one of the lessons I took away, apart from a confirmation of the true nature of communism, was that in a war, the Russians will never back down. They are the toughest people I have ever met (except possibly the Japanese) and among the proudest. The idea that if Putin is "taken out" they will come to their senses is so wilfully ignorant it hurts to think about it. I don't think the west understands that Russia is not going to back down, under any circumstances. A nation that lost 20 million to the Nazis is not going to bow down to a German dominated EU or an American-dominated NATO. It's just not going to happen, and if Putin were removed, he would be replaced by somebody really dangerous. The question is how far the west is willing to go, and that is what is giving me the willies. I have never known western leaders so stupid and at the same time so inexperience, so vainglorious, and so lacking in understanding of other nations.

This from a comment at another site Mr Mike, getting scary for sure.

Mike said...

Mr inmate. I occasionally scan the Telegraph; for comedic value, like the Mad magazine of my youth. Each month the Ukies are loosing more men than the whole of the UK armed forces, and the purple faced commentators in the UK are threatening to fight Russia. Lunatics in charge.

mongoose said...

The closer one ties Ukraine to the West and to Europe, the more strategically important the Crimea becomes to the Rooskies. Is this not obvious to everyone? My cat knows this and he's been dead a decade.

Prime Ministers of my sentient lifetime, marks out of ten for managerial competence - no politico-philosophical opinion offered:

Wilson 5
Heath 4
Callaghan 4
Thatcher 7
Major 5
Blair 7
Brown 2
Cameron 3
May 2
Truss 1
Bojo 5
Sunak 1

One could argue that we have lost the knowledge of how to govern the country. They don't know what they're doing any longer.

cascadian said...

mr mongoose noted....
"The closer one ties Ukraine to the West and to Europe, the more strategically important the Crimea becomes to the Rooskies" which is undoubtedly correct, and makes the recent ATACMS missile attack on civilians at Sevastopol all the more dangerous.

In case you missed it (possibly a fake) https://t.me/Slavyangrad/102123

This seems to be a reasoned analysis of Russia's diplomatic response to the US. https://youtu.be/c2233YREAD8?t=2327

The morons are attempting to provoke a war.

I would have thought that your PM competence analysis is exaggerated for BoJo and perhaps Wilson was rather better than Major, but no major argument that competence has been in rather short supply.

inmate said...

No, sorry mr mongoose. B liar 7, fuck no. The son of Satan has done more lasting damage to the nation than if mr hitler had won. He’s destroyed the constitution, removing hereditary Lords - the only ones capable of petitioning the Monarch - replaced the Law Lords with leftie lackeys in the Supreme Court, thus hogtying any govament initiative he doesn’t like, forcing common purpose graduates into councils and the civil service, with their Marxist agenda, removing the death penalty for treason, and of course opening the floodgates to any cunt who wants to claim benefits, from anywhere in the world.
The most evil cunt still walking the earth; what was it? Kill all the sandniggers and you’ll definitely get the bad guys. Netanyahu’s learned a few things from satan’s son.

mrs narcolept said...

They don’t think they have to govern this country, they just have implement the diktats of international bodies that don’t have to submit to the annoyance of elections.

cascadian said...

An update for Mrs Ishmael related to medically assisted death in canaduh, it is progressing as expected, the state health system denies proper care then councels death. Who can have any faith in the health cartels after covid and now this?


mongoose said...

All of that may is true, mr inmate, but the brute wone three effortless electins in a row and did what he set out to do. There's no arguing with the competence of the lad. He also kept McDoom on the sidelines of policy setting partly I think because he knew what a clusterfuck wuld ensue his becoming PM.

Mr Cascadian, Bojo had two things to do - win an electin and then deliver some form of Brexit better than just dropping your trews and bending over. That the establishment then killed him wass to be expected. NB Bojo has never lost an electin in which he has stood! (Yes, fair dos, I was too kind to Major.)

inmate said...

Yes it is true mr mongoose, he won because that’s what TPTB wanted , there was no opposition to any of his vandalism and non of it has been overturned since. Truss in her interview on the Warroom said as much, she answered to the BoE, the ONS and the civil service, non of whom are elected or accountable. Short of violent revolution we are fucked.

mongoose said...

Mrs n, I think that that is absolutely spot on. They are parasites, aren't they, not leaders? It might be time to don our tinfoil hats and ask if there is a proper international conspiracy against the ordinary people of the world. Does Bill Gates really think that his money will keep his children safe?

Nice to see you btw!

mongoose said...

I am voting Reform, mr inmate, and I usually spoil my ballot-paper. Let's burn the Tories down, take the pain and rise again. If mrs i in Orcadia and mongoose in Bandit Country are united, the world is at our feet.

cascadian said...

Mr Mongoose said.........."Bojo had two things to do - win an election and then deliver some form of Brexit". Indeed, you are correct sir, the first was only achieved by the Brexit Party standing aside in many seats, thus the victory was not earned but gifted. He then betrayed the country by not producing Brexit. I would rate rate him -3 on a scale 1-10. Winning safe seats is not to be commended.

Still, I congratulate you, Mrs Narcolept and Mrs Ishmael on your determination to vote Reform and deliver a swift kick in the nuts to the conmen. Political justice is about to be administered.

mrs ishmael said...

My hackles rose when I read mr mongoose's scale and points awarded to PMs since the Sixties - Margaret Thatcher a seven?? Then I reread it and realised he was marking on managerial competence - not leadership, nor values, nor ethics, not even being aligned to principles of democracy and national autonomy. So, yes, like the Nazis, Thatcher displayed great managerial competence.
How's the Election Crossword coming along, mr mongoose? Not long now.

mrs ishmael said...

mr cascadian, I don't think mrs narcolept has actually leapt out of the closet, sporting Faragiste colours - but it would be fun if we all did. Did you see the Leaders Debate last night? Sunak was his usual nasty self, biting Starmer's ponderous ankles, trotting out his new slur that to vote Labour is to surrender everything you should hold dear and you will pay an extra £2grand for the privilege - although that figure has been comprehensively debunked by them what know and have run the figures. Sunak belongs to the "repeat the lie often enough and it becomes established truth" political school. Both trotted out their "ordinary" credentials - Starmer the son of a tool maker and Sunak the grandson of economic migrants. "My working class background beats your migrant hard luck story", so yah boo sucks to you, style of debate. Sunak doubled down on his phenomenally expensive Rwandaforfucksake deportation scheme (just 2 have left Britain thus far, both volunteers, so not that much of a deterrent since they wanted to go) and Starmer trotted out his Director of the CPS creds and how many terrorist plots he had personally foiled. Honestly, the man needs his own box set on Prime - have you seen Person of Interest, by the way? Great fun. Artificial Super Intelligences, terrorist plots, CIA, FBI, and any other set of initials you can think of.
And yes, great to welcome mrs narcolept back to our discourses - we had a chat about boobies on the last, Donald Sutherland, thread.

mrs ishmael said...

Thank you for the link to the Epoch Times, mr cascadian - a truly chilling little story about the Canada assisting people to die because the country's infrastructure is too broken to let them live with any quality of life. Here's a quotation from the article: "(people) are turning to Medically Assisted Intervention in Dying because they cannot get the proper home care services they need, they do not want to go into long-term care facilities or life is just too tough".
Britain's health and care systems are similarly broken - the West cannot provide those services to assist an elderly and sick population which they have been led to expect and which they believe they have paid for. The celebration of the individual and the dismantling of the family structure has placed the burden of care on the state, which is unable to provide for all the needs of the poor, the indigent, the aged and the disabled. So, in the absence of a re-ordering of priorities, euthanasia may become the solution of choice - introduced initially as a kindly measure in certain rare and defined circumstances and quickly expanding to tidy away the inconvenient.

Anonymous said...

I think I might have to join you and mrs I, mr mongoose, in voting Reform, I hope and pray Farrige doesn’t bottle it like last time.
Here in darkest Bolton NE we have an independent who talks a lot of common, more concerned with the plight of the town, obviously knows he can’t effect anything nationally but might upset the local LibLabCon councillors. Going to attend his meeting this Friday evening, so will make my mind up after.

mrs narcolept said...

Lovely, to be back, mrs ishmael, and Thank you, mr mongoose and mr cascadian. Missed you all.

The faragistes may never be fit to be in govament, but if they can wreck the status quo that will do for a start. It’s only a matter of time before assisted dying becomes state-mandated liquidation of useless eaters. Social credit scores, no cash, ceaseless surveillance, central control of everything - I used to think my dear mr narcolept was exaggerating, but there it all is, and they are not even ashamed of it.

cascadian said...

You are a busy woman Mrs Ishmael and may have missed the Narcolept family voting intentions in the comments of the most recent "Sunday Ishmael 23 June 2024".

I avoid all staged tele-visual pretences to debate Mrs Ishmael (yes I am that snobbish), but will no doubt later "catch-up" with all the pertinent "highlights" that our betters in the media decide we should attend to. Were Reform allowed to field their leader it might have been worth watching. I shall have to see if I can retrieve the former Anna Raccoon archived comments on starmer I remember them to be acerbic. https://annaraccoon.com/?s=starmer

I will likewise ignore the upcoming FJBiden v Trump "debate" this evening. You can expect FJB to also trot out his working-class hero credentials, I wonder what version it will be this time? FJB will not submit to a drug test before the debate.

Here in the colonies, a by-election in Toronto has turfed their generation-long lieberal candidate, the lieberals were so confident in winning that they had begun the celebration party?! Doh. Apparently the previous rock-solid Jewish vote turned against the woke lieberals who are all about appeasing the Hamas murderers. Perhaps a voting bloc that is also being ignored in the great yUK election?

mongoose said...

The grid is long finished, mrs i, and the clues are perhaps half written. Sorry. It is the same old story.

I have today been to Oxford to be shouted at and maligned by the clever people. As I become older, more experienced and therefore less certain, they become bolder and more certain that it is all my fault. Another grey-hair, this one of no little distinction, looked at me calmly when we were alone to one side and said that it might all make more sense to me if I considered that we are likely in a pre-war phase. I swear my blood stopped flowing for a few seconds. There is ruin somewhere ahead. Must get the children to NZ or similar.

cascadian said...

Indeed Mr Mongoose I too believe we are in a pre-war phase, the European Union placing Von Der Luyen, Kallas and Rutte in place signalled future intentions, they are all implacable Russia haters and economy destroyers. It is easy to believe that Atlas Shrugged is being played out.

I live reasonably close to Seattle, Washington, USA which is home to the Pacific nuclear submarine fleet at Bremerton, Boeing, and McChord-Lewis air force base. These must be considered primary targets should a hot war occur. They are sufficiently far away that a direct hit would only have secondary effects here ie potential fallout problems, there is not much one can do should a nuclear war start but provisions and water have been stored and potassium-iodine acquired. My instincts concerning acquiring Ivermectin at the start of covid served me well, the Iodine is cheap and easily available at present, if it remains unused I will consider it very cheap insurance.

Can we assume the gentleman you referred to was Peter Hitchens?

Mike said...

Mr cascadian: I don't want to be rude, but we are living in a post-war phase. Its just that the West (incl particularly Canada) hasn't yet got the message.

mrs ishmael said...

Ah, yes, mr cascadian and mrs narcolept, apologies - I did miss the declaration of voting intentions, but I've subsequently caught up. And welcome to our Faragiste support party, mr anonymous of Bolton N.E. Could you invent an name, please, so as not to confuse me, as our mr verge also sports the anonymous tag - you wouldn't want to be mixed up with the House Filthster, a title conferred on mr verge by mr ishmael, who admiringly considered mr verge to have a mind more depraved than his own.
So, fellow Faragistas, did you see Channel Four's exposé of Reform's election team in Clacton?
Introduced with smug solemnity by po-faced news totty, Cathy Newman, who warned us with deep gravity of homophobic and islamophobic remarks and sweary language, it was a hilarious riot of absolute appallingness, as Farage quickly commented. Channel Four had squirmed into the election team a newsmole who filmed and recorded a couple of the election volunteers, venting. One chap would solve the small boats crisis by sending the soldiery in to shoot them on the beaches. The same guy thought the Prime Minister is a fucking Paki - at least I think that's what he said, but the asterisk machine was working hard to protect viewers from the sort of language they probably hear all the time and may even use themselves. The view was expressed that mosques would make great retail premises. They weren't too keen on homosexuals, either. I should think that the documentary has done the Reform party a great deal of good - all that free publicity, down to earth language, the robust expression of pub views and arguments.
That's the Tories stuffed, then - Channel Four has put paid to them ever functioning as a party again, by elevating St. Farage, who immediately gained the moral high ground by suspending his volunteers. He was also able to get in a dig at newstotties who ignore anti-white racist remarks by certain candidates of colour.

mrs ishmael said...

Crack on, mr mongoose, crack on - your crossword will increase the jollity of ishmaelia no end.
War has loomed over me all my life, without actually engaging me in a shooting war in my own country. It's a human thing - despite the clear cost in prosperity and human lives (and previously, horse lives, until the internal combustion engine replaced the poor terrified beasts on the battlefield) - humans just like killing each other, inventing enemies to square up against, inventing religions to justify it all, and hoping to trouser fortunes in the process: to the victor, the spoils.
We are a flawed species, a blight on the planet. If we were made in the image of god - well, that's a god you should be really, really scared of.
As for surviving a nuclear war - don't even think about it. Just walk out into the nuclear sunset and turn your face to the strange sky.

mrs ishmael said...

The Biden v. Trump debate - do you think it should be a matter for the United States Attorney's Officer? Surely somebody should be prosecuted for what they are doing to the poor old bloke?

inmate said...

Apologies mrs I, that numpty from Bolton N. E. is me, inmate.
I’ve tried to get entrance to the Bolton N E hustings but have failed, all tickets have been taken, ah well, I was looking forward to shouting abuse at the next hopefuls of trough snuffling.

cascadian said...

Biden v Trump, pretty good analysis by non-american correspondent


now off to channel 4 for some world-class comedy, thank you Mrs Ishmael for the hint.

mrs ishmael said...

Ah, mr inmate, you have cast aside your cloak of anonymity - jolly good! The plot is thickening, as it is revealed that the racist, homophobic sweary bloke is an actor to trade, who specialises in "rough language". Farage is claiming he has been set up. I'm enjoying myself hugely! Who'd have thought politics could be such fun?

mrs ishmael said...

Sorry, mr cascadian, couldn't load your link.
Now that Biden stands revealed as suffering from dementia, what happens next? Can they just drag him off to the care home and helicopter in someone else?
The only animation I saw on his withered, confused face was when he reacted to Trump slagging off Hunter - he's proud of the lad and his criminal ways, whereas Trump is a moral degenerate, he spat out. Talk about nasty face. And as for that shameless Jill-wife of his - declaring "didn't he do well? He answered all the questions". With Biden nodding along, pleased as punch that mummy was praising him up. Oh dear, oh dear.

mongoose said...

Ghastly business, mrs i. Elder abuse is what they call it. Poor bugger. Ain't Karma a bitch though?

It wasn't Hitchens, mr cascadian. Alas, I am not allwed to tell or they'll not ask me again. It's only the last lingering shreds of long ago that keeps me on the guest list anyway.

mongoose said...

I didn't mean, mr c, to come over quite so pompous. I am a true nobody but Oxford is filled with really, really clever really, really stupid people. Sometimes one meets one who just cuts through it. This one is a good man and he cares about his country and his world.

mon said...

You need to read "On the beach", mrs i. Although it is rude of me to assume that you have not.

cascadian said...

Not pompous Mr Mongoose, and certainly no offence taken. My curiousity overcame my sense of your privacy, my apologies.

I need to up my hyperlink game Mrs Ishmael, it is pretty easy using Google's web browser (which I now refuse to use), the web browser I use is far more secure but has a different set of commands which I have obviously yet to master (old geezers learning things-where will the madness end?)

FJB looked bewildered, I recognize the look from my experience of Alzheimer patients. I suppose pity would be in order if I were a better person.