Friday 28 June 2024

mrs. ishmael is taking a Big City Weekend Break - continue talking amongst yourselves. Back in time for the Election.



Anonymous said...

Dundee is it? Be careful mrs I.

inmate said...

Sorry ‘tsme again.

cascadian said...

Bet this will not be reported in Europe.

US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr.: People want American leadership, they don't want to bully. And they know the difference. Our military budget is now based not on self-defence, not on defending the Motherland, but on domination in the world.

We have 800 bases abroad. Russians have one and a half. The Chinese have one. And all these expenses are aimed at domination, at creating a hegemon. And it is an illusion that we are the only power in the world. And you know, it doesn't work anymore. We apply sanctions, people laugh at us. You know that the Russians, because of our sanctions, have the strongest economy they've ever had. They are now immune to sanctions. Putin is more popular than he was when we started attacking. When we attack a country, it becomes stronger. And it was a disaster for our country.