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Conservatives - fighting like crabs in a sack |
Did you read Bo-Jo's resignation letter? Not much Ho-Ho there. He reckons he's been stitched up by his erstwhile colleagues who want "to take revenge for Brexit and ultimately to reverse the 2016 referendum result. My removal is the necessary first step, and I believe there has been a concerted attempt to bring it about."
I reckon he's probably right. He cites the witch hunters - Sue Gray - who investigated gatherings in Number 10 - and is now the chief of staff designate of the Labour leader, and her "supposedly impartial" chief counsel, Daniel Stilitz KC, who "turned out to be a strong Labour supporter who repeatedly tweeted personal attacks on me and the government." And the Privileges Committee, which Bo-Jo sees as misusing their powers "to mount what is plainly a political hit job on someone they oppose." The Privileges Committee was led by 72 year old Labour MP, Harriet Harman, who, for those with long political memories, is forever tainted by her association with the Paedophile Information Exchange whilst a legal officer with the National Council for Civil Liberties from 1978 to 1982. She subsequently repudiated her support, saying: "I very much regret that this vile organisation, PIE, ever existed and that it ever had anything to do with NCCL." Ah, yes, Harriet, but it did.
Another claim to ignominy was her 2009 attempt to have MP's expenses exempted from the Freedom of Information Act. The failure of her motion led to the disclosure of expenses of British MPs - which made very interesting and shocking reading, and earned David Cameron the soubriquet "Wisteria Dave" when it emerged that he had claimed 680 quid for the removal of wisteria from the chimney of his house. Anyway, Harriet was among 40 MPs who had secretly repaid wrongly (illegally?) claimed expenses between 2008 and 2010. Despite a stalwart, but failed, attempt in November 2010 by her parliamentary private secretary Ian Lavery to keep the whole scandal quiet by blocking a motion to allow these secret repayments to be made public, the following month the details were made public. It forced the resignation of Speaker Michael Martin, who had presided over the whole ghastly greed-fest by troughing MPs.
Harriet is also a multiple offender, having convictions in 2003 for speeding - 29 miles per hour over the motorway limit of 70 mph, receiving a £400 fine and a 7 day disqualification from driving; in 2007 for driving at 50 miles per hour in a 40 mph zone, gaining a £60 fine and 3 penalty points on her licence, which she didn't pay for several months until receiving a notice to appear at Ipswich Magistrates Court. Undeterred by the experience, she continued in her career as a scoff-law, breaking the speed limit yet again the following year, garnering a further 3 points on her licence. On the 3rd July 2009, she drove into another vehicle whilst chatting on her mobile phone. She pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention, was fined £350, a costs order of £70 was imposed, a £15 victim surcharge was imposed and 3 penalty points were added to her licence. The sentence was widely criticised for its leniency, with suggestions that had she not been a Member of Parliament, she would not have got away so lightly. Must have been in the days of deference. Look, I've been a Probation Officer and I know fine well that by the time someone ends up in court, they've already committed that offence umpty-ump billion times already, and they've only been caught this time because the police got lucky, a speed camera was in the right place at the right time, or they let their guard down on that occasion, got a bit complacent, like, just so used to doing it that it no longer seems wrong, the law doesn't apply to me, etcetera, etcetera.
mr ishmael had her number: here's a little piece from the Drafts:
Aside from a too-smooth, shaven-headed black guy, whose name I can never remember even for three seconds, the new Labour front bench looks much the same as the old New Labour front bench, the same dreary old parachute regiment of nobodies, parachuted-in to safe seats, so that they don't even have to contest an election. Is the party out of its fucking mind, or what, fielding, for instance, both IcePixie Woman Yvette Cooper AND her motormouthing hubby, Ed the Bankers Darling Balls, does Labour think that the electorate, that meagre part of it which can be bothered at all, is so malleable that it will forget not only the Ballses breathtaking, nation-beggaring incompetence and stupidity and their cynical warmongering but also their greedy chiselling of dual sets of expenses and housing allowances ? They must be expenses millionaires; ghastly useless, shrivelled, little bint and bloated, phoney know-it-all; they should be in fucking jail, their brats in care.
Bubbles Burham, is still shadowing health, despite the Stafford Massacre occurring under his responsibility as Secretary of State for Health. Some, poor darlings, have to wait longer than others to bypass the selection processes which apply to working people. Poor old Jack Dromey, the deluded babbling partner of Labour aristocrat Harriet Soursister, is one such. A long-time union gangmaster, Jack married Harry in 1982, yet was only made an MP a few years back, sliding into safe Birmingham, Erdington.

So Harman is clearly a wrong 'un and Bo-Jo's contempt for her chairmanship of the Privileges Committee seems perfectly understandable. You get all sorts in Westminster.
Could the British Establishment be so enraged by Boris having "Got Brexit Done" that it would turn on him, bigging up the partygate allegations to achieve their ends? Well, yes, sure they could. Britain's membership of Europe constituted a never-ending gravy train for the political establishment.

Here's a few thoughts by stanislav, a young Polish Plumber, in November 2007, about Boris' career and rise to political eminence:
stanislav said...
Stanislav not up for hire. Busy with Plumb Cheap 4U. Not fit lick boots of
Boring Johnson. Some say Johnson phony stuttering cunt pander to Colonel Blimp
nitwit constituency. Not Stanislav. Boring is fine constituency MP, only part-time
homme des lettres, only spend five minutes a day write for Telegraph,
Spectator, go on TV, fuck cocaine totty in back of Bentley, campaign for (Hell
freeze over) Mayor, rest is busy devoted to voters - who pay salary.
God bless, Boris. All row together. Can’t have too many Oxbridge Etonians
fucking country up arse. Johnson family motto; this gonna hurt me but not as
much as is gonna hurt you. Bravo. Bullingdon uber allus. What are they like,
these Flashman types ?
- Wisteria Dave resigned as Prime Minister on the 13th July 2016, surprised and dismayed by losing the Brexit vote.
- Theresa May resigned as Prime Minister on 24th May 2019, having done her damnedest to draw the teeth of the Brexit decision.
- Boris resigned as Prime Minister on the 6th September 2022, having put his back into getting Britain out of Europe. And succeeded!
- The accession of the United Kingdom to the European Communities (EC) – the collective term for the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) – took effect on 1 January 1973, thus fulfilling the life aim of Conservative Prime Minister, Edward Heath, who had pursued the UK's application to the EEC since the late 1950's, in addition to being a keen yachtsman.

Each loathed by their respective political establishments. Both likely to make further bids for the top job.

And me? #Me too?
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please register an account first, at lulu.com. This is advisable because otherwise paypal seems to think it's ok to charge in dollars, and they then apply their own conversion rate, which might put the price up slightly for a UK buyer. Once the new account is set up, follow one of the links below (to either paperback or hardback) or type "Ishmael’s Blues" into the Lulu Bookstore search box. Click on the “show explicit content” tab, give the age verification box a date of birth such as 1 January 1960, and proceed.
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That is exactly wwhat it is, mrs i. It is a political hit-job to take him down. You read it hear many moons ago: "Brexit kills the one who achieves it". And so it has. Night has followed day. Well done, Boris, you useless fat fop, at least you achieved one good thing in your life.
On he other side of the water, the holes they dig are deeper. The Great Orange demon is surely now so damaged just by the continued process of accusation - "lawfare" apparently - that he is done for now. But this is just a sideshow. The USA has entered a post-political endgame. Whoever is put up by the Republicans next time will mysteriously lose in the middle of the night again. And then we set our stall out for what happens next. Everyone thinks that everything always last forever. Well it doesn't. Will I live to see US Civil War 2? I hope not but I suspect that I will.
You see what happens? A day spent doing good works. Tidying, cutting, cleaning. Not loafing on the sofa watching the cricket all day. Oh no. The Indians cocked up that plan this morning. And so no telly, and no 'puter, and we miss the spectacle of Nicola being dragged out in chains. What larks, mrs i!
What larks, indeed, mr mongoose! And what chortling and rubbing of hands in the home of the Salmond. As the SNP sinks amidst a morass of allegations of financial chicanery, the Scottish Greens will be contemplating their sorry arses, handed to them on a plate by the Secretary of State for Scotland. More power to your elbow, sir! Sorry, more power to your wrist - the wrist that writes NO across each hard-loony Green policy- the Circularity piffle (ok, but no Glass) and the Declaration of Opposite Sexness. Go, Mr. Jack, sir, keep up the good nay-saying - next, Just Say No to Highly Protected Marine Areas and save the Scottish fishing industry.
The Scottish Greenery, led by the aggressive and Canadian Lorna Slater (Scottish for wood louse) and the bespectacled, mild-mannered Patrick Harvie, only got a sniff of power in Scotland, so deeply unpopular are they and their policies, because Nicola Sturgeon (she who accepted an invitation on Sunday afternoon to creep into the local Polis station to answer a few questions. Under Arrest. Under Arrest) needed them to prop up her administration. So, as the SNP becomes a distant and unpleasant memory, a bankrupt organisation, leaking members and their membership dues like a sieve, the Greens also will vanish like a bad dream in the morning.
Mr Mongoose, such is the moral collapse in which we all flounder that I see, for the first time in my life, no hope whatsoever. We are too far sunk. The satanic cretins now parading before us - as they have been readying themselves to do for decades - and insisting that lies are truth, that murder is life, that grotesque self-indulgence is compassion etc. are preparing the way of our damnation and we are skipping along merrily to the terrible beat.
Here's the Fat Prophet:
"We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green."
Tell me why we are not fucked.
We're not fucked yet, mr bb, because you, me, my wife and three kids, and lots of other folk I don't know the names of, see all this clearly. I was educated - yes, to read, write and do arithmetic - but also to think for myself, and I do. And so do you.
The best example I can give is the collapse of the USSR. This was the most ruthless, the most violent suspension of honour and truth in the history of the world. They managed to cheat and lie and murder, and got by for the best part of 75 years, and then it all fell the fuck down in a heap. This too will fall down. For instance, almost every woman I know is incandescent at the cancellation of womanhood in favour of some mad gender-yeck cockwaffle. We've spent 50 years trying to give women an even break and now the loons want to take it away. Destruction of spirit by cognitive dissonance holds back the water for a time but builds a terrible pressure that one day breaks and sweeps away the numpties and their tractor stats. So will it be again.
Be of stout heart, mon brave. All it needs is an orange man in an orange jumpsuit and the US may burn to the floor and set a terrible example through this election cycle.
Its too late Mr mongoose. The West is doomed. Its been eating its own tail for too long. Empire and neo-imperialism has run its course, and the backlash is just beginning. The (majority) of the world with resources and human effort have decided that the golden billion can get fucked.
"Cockwaffle", mr mongoose - never truer word.
And thank you, mr mike, for "the golden billion" ref - I hadn't realised there was name for it.
GK would have nodded darkly, mr BB, at the following, from last week's Spectator :
"And if we’re talking about hate crime, there’s a bill heading for the statute books which should make the Irish civil liberties lobbies take to the barricades, except the Irish Council for Civil Liberties has, in fact, backed it.
The provisions are draconian, as Elon Musk has pointed out (‘a massive attack on freedom of speech’). You’re barred not just from publicly expressing wrong sentiments about protected groups – gender, sexuality, ethnicity and trans self-identification – but banned from simply possessing off-message stuff on your devices, including memes. The police will be permitted to take away your laptop or phone or devices that may contain the offensive material (as defined by…whom? The alleged victim); they can enter your home and oblige you to log into your devices and if you refuse you may be up for a €5,000 fine or a year in prison."
Melanie McDonagh, "How Ireland Lost Its Craic".
Dunno why google swallowed my indefinite articles in the comment just now. Unintended ellipsis, honest!
Sorry mr mongoose, mr bungalow bill is correct. We’re finished as far as the west is concerned, we’ve allowed all sorts of shit to happen, in my view since JFK. Security services, spooks, the military weapons manufacturers and mega corporations are controlling everything. Since the Gulf of Tonkin, which they even admitted was lies, costing tens of thousands of young lives, on both sides. Virtually every central and South American government ‘changed’, 911 and its consequences and of course the COVID scam. Billions of pounds, dollars, euros lost, old folk murdered in their thousands and more folk dying every week than at the height of the scamdemic, because of ……well we’re not allowed to say, but,but it couldn’t be the vaxxine could it?
Now, if we elect a politician they don’t like, or that politician makes a decision they don’t like, they remove them. Be it Orange man bad, the fat bloater, bunter, or Lizz trussed. Elected means nothing, appointed is where it’s at; don’t fucking complain pleb, we know what’s best, for you. Rasheed Sanook’s the guy you need, i’nt he?
We’ve lost that spirit and bloody mindedness of our parents, we’re too soft. Easy benefits, easy credit, easy ‘funny’ money making, no producing, anything. At all. We’re all victims but that’s ok, the gubmint will look after us, unless you’re white, of course. But don’t be racist, don’t be homophobic, lesbophobic, islamophobic, blackphobic in fact just don’t be fuckingphobic at all.
Next we’ll be getting the CBDC and UBI, just make sure you spend it on what we approve of, an of course there’s no need to save any of it ‘cause your kids’ll get the UBI an they won’t need to buy a house, we’ll rent one to ‘em. Good innit?
Nope the West is finished, just like communism, old socialism, liberalism and democracy, another page in history to be laughed at by future generations.
We must not despair, gentlemen. It's not a hundred years yet. People have always risen up and destroyed their oppressors. So they will again. Egypt, Persia, Macedon, Rome, England, the US, France, the USSR and all the rest. Coming soon the EU, the USA2, and the UN. We'll start again. All will be well.
China. The disintegration of China will the big show.
I believe, mr mongoose, we are at a point similar to Germany in the 1920s / 30s. The perverts, deviants n sodomites are allowed to run amok, unchecked and unhindered.
Criminals, foreign criminals, are beating a path to the west, bringing their third world culture n diversity with them - indeed the beautiful young kids hacked to death in Nottingham, by, according to the PBC, a Man - couldn’t possibly be the Religion of Peace? could it?
I don’t believe the combined security n police forces, of Western Europe, can be out thought by people smugglers n dinghy salesmen. Pull the other one.
The difference now, sir, is there isn’t a strong personality or party, willing to say ‘stop, hold on there a minute, let’s just see where this all might be heading’. Not asking for Hitler or Stalin type, God forbid.
The costs of cultural diversity are too high, morally, the costs of a this ‘save the planet’ guff is to high, financially and the costs of this gender grooming of youngsters will be immeasurable.
“We’ll start again. All will be well.” Not without lots of deathndestruction.
No, the West is finished, welcome to the new world order.
yes mr inmate, current times do rather remind one of the opening scenario from bbc comedy-drama private schulz, wherein petty fraudster gerhard schulz, upon release from spandau prison, is bemused to find career-opportunities aplenty springing from the corrupt soil of a crime-nurturing nazi-régime...
however, whilst this serial rates as both historically and hysterically enlightening, i reckon that an altogether deeper and darker study of the era is provided by the classic german tv-adaptation of berlin alexanderplatz - the rainer werner fassbinder version, of course.
back in the nato-incited now, we have ukrainian pros on-tap in parliament, and yet still wonder why the entire house has, in a hissy fit of anti-democratic decadence, suddenly lent its support to the neo-imperialist nihilism of lebensraum-grabbing in russia's backyard.
there are certainly more children now dying than at the height of the killer-lockdown, mr inmate...
and in sharp contrast with the narrow corrupted neo-liberal views expressed in the parliamentary cocaine-club, whose boozed-up members habitually receive favours from ukrainian sex-workers - on the house - the war against russia has evidently become immensely unpopular across the country.
ok, i admit i spotted, only just recently, a lonesome ukrainian flag fluttering inanely in a remote welsh village, yet one must appreciate that news from the ukrainian reich takes time to filter through to such underprivileged and uneducated communities - where let's face it, folks are still queuing up obediently for the death-jab...
unlike in london, of course - where enthusiasm for euthanasia has all but evaporated, along with any real confidence in the national health service.
actually, i think darwin might have something to say about this matter of devolution.
Good words, Mr Mongoose. I have many friends who would also express your highly intelligent hope, a disillusioned hope. I do not presently share it but I suppose that may be the point: hope always holds open the advent of the radically unpredictable.
It's the technologised horrors which terrify me, the Huxley stuff. You, as an engineer, must be galled by the lethal scientism now afflicting us.
Messrs Mike and Inmate, perhaps we might be wrong; perhaps. At least, maybe, we should hope so.
We've said many times on here that we should trust in the small accomplishments and the little rituals.
Let us pray.
PS while we're talking literary engineers, I recommend to those who may not already know it, the superb blog of Patrick Kurp of Rice University. It's called Anecdotal Evidence and is a constant balm. I lack, of course, the minimal technical awareness required to provide a link.
Here you go, mr bb Anecdotal Evidence blog by Patrick Kurp
And an apposite quote from the latest post:
“If the world can still be saved, it will be saved by the amateurs. The experts are more than most other people responsible for the mess in which we find ourselves. They know too much about too little, but each knows something special.”
Messers mongoose and BB. I admire your optimism, but all the evidence points in the opposite direction. The West is in terminal decline. The moral compass has completely lost its direction.
Not mine, and not yours, mr mike, sir.
The only thing required for triumph is not to give up before you are dead. Once dead, you have tried your best.
Just to change the subject, Mr mongoose, but it looks like we are in for a good series. The Sydney Morning Herald is proclaiming a major success because Australia survived till end of play.
Thanks, Mr Mongoose. He posts regularly and rarely disappoints. I've found a lot of new reading through his references.
“People have always risen up and destroyed their oppressors. So they will again. Egypt, Persia, Macedon, Rome, England, the US, France, the USSR and all the rest”.
I think it’s different now mr mongoose. In the past there was a Pharaoh, an Emperor, a King, a Tsar or a Dictator, someone or something to point the finger at and shout OI CUNT NO. An institution that if toppled, one could, start afresh.
Who do we remove now? We know it’s the influence of billionaires that dictates the agenda. Can we just kill the mega-rich, an all will be well? Should we remove all the experts, scientists, leftist ideologues, and lawyers who give politicians the answers and legislation the politicians require to carry out the agenda? The situation we now find ourselves in has been a long time in the making - the long march through the institutions - ‘THEY’ don’t make mistakes, they are ruthless, relentless and will not be stopped.
It's been an interesting discussion, folks. Before mrs i distracts us with her Sunday newness, one answer is that wokery and wrongheadedness, lies and deceit are inefficient from an evolutionary standpoint, and will therefore eventually fail. Human beings are animals. I care more about my children than your children. I care more about my neighbour's honour than your neighbour's. I care more about my town than your town. And so it will all fall down. The overhead cost will kill it. We will rid ourselves of the overhead cost that stops us living in harmony with our immediate neighbours. It is called the (deep) state. Overgovernment always dies. That's why the new despots have invented a pretend morality to try to protect it.
All that is very true, Mr mongoose. But what is about to bring the house of cards down is ironically the sanctions war on Russia.
This has starkly shown the disparity between virtual economies based on bullshit and fake numbers (the West) and economies with resources that actually manufacture stuff (the East).
Now the non-West (ie 85%of the world's population) no longer feels threatened by the US and is de-dollarising.
Those dollars (plus unfathomable printing) will only have one place to go - the US. Leading to stagflation and collapse. The other pretend economies in the West will follow.
I bow to your expert knowledge of economics and the value of currency tokens, mr mike. But those are just numbers on the scoreboard. For instance, I reckon that free India will suck the lifeblood out of not-free China. The work and the making will flow to where people are prepared to freely work and make a better life for their families. Freedom will draw success from China to India. India may become the new West. English common law and civil society finding a new frontier now that the Yanks have let us down.
And, yes, mr mike, the US is a dying state.
I think the Central Bank Digital Currency, Mr Mike, is the west’s attempt at offsetting their crimes of QE. THEY will pretend that digital is cash, that digital has value, that digital is safe, safer than real money, and the west’s populations will accept it. Just like covid. An vaxxines.
The west’s debts will be paid back, to megacorp n banks with people’s assets n cash, everyone will be happy. UBI will be just enough to pay the bills. Feudalism the order of the day, ‘s the right to do. Your children will inherit nothing from you, everybody’s equal. You WILL love big brother.
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