Suppose some dodgy Egyptian approaches you, Black and Decker in hand, and says I can cure that headache - just let me drill a hole in your head. You'd be looking around for the nearest house-brick for rub-down purposes and a pyramid to drop him into and seal up with quick-dry cement. But just suppose the same dodgy Egyptian approaches you wearing a bow tie and bearing an invoice for several thousand pounds for said hole-making. Seems the world has been beating a path to his door.


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Professor Sam Eljamel and friend |
It’s the charisma and the power and the bow ties.
Professor Eljamel, the former head of neurosurgery at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Bonny Scotland, cut holes in people's skulls, then stuck the bit back in with superglue. Leann Sutherland underwent the procedure in 2011 to cure her migraines. She is one of a hundred former patients calling for an enquiry into the dodgy Egyptian. (In this context, Egyptian is a generic term. I haven't a clue where the Professor was born). Trepanation is the oldest surgical procedure for which there is archaeological evidence, dating back 7,000–10,000 years. The main pieces of archaeological evidence are in the forms of cave paintings and human remains. At one 8,000 year old burial site in France, 40 out of the 120 prehistoric skulls found had trepanation holes. It was always a difficult and dangerous operation - only 40% of people survived the procedure, as evidenced by bony regrowth surrounding the hole. Or not - if dead.
In medieval times, the procedure was used to let the madness and confined demons out.
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Detail from The Extraction of the Stone of Madness by Hieronymous Bosch c. 1488-1516. |
There remain some loony groups who enthusiastically take the Black and Decker to their own and their fellow cult-members' heads, believing it will increase insight and enhance mental power, wellbeing and induce a state of permanent euphoria, but I believe the medical term for that is a load of old bollocks, and can render you liable to prosecution: in 2000, two men from Cedar City, Utah, were prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license after they performed a trepanation on an English woman to treat her chronic fatigue syndrome and depression.
Trepanation remains a popular procedure for reducing pressure in the brain due to skull trauma and is now referred to as a craniotomy. It should only be performed after diagnostic imaging, including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imagery to pinpoint the issues within the brain. The pre-operative imaging allows for accurate examination and evaluation. Unlike trepanation, the removed piece of skull is typically replaced as soon as possible. Our man Sam did not bother with all that - three surgeon colleagues in Dundee told the BBC that Sam Eljamel discouraged the use of X-rays because he was so arrogant and because it saved him money. It is thought that as a result he operated in the wrong place on the spines of at least 70 patients - leaving many permanently disabled.
Leann Sutherland's extracted bone did not re-seal to her skull. She said: "The wound burst open and the brain fluid started to pour out the back of my neck." The next day her hospital bed was "soaked" with her spinal fluid. When she got up to use the bathroom she collapsed and said the fluid went all over the floor. A nurse put a wet floor warning sign on the area. Her mum had to chase Mr Eljamel down a corridor to get him to come and look at her - at which point she was rushed back into surgery.
NHS Tayside has consistently claimed it only knew about concerns from June 2013 and that they put Eljamel under supervision at that point - but an NHS whistleblower has told BBC Scotland that the health board knew as early as 2009 that there were serious concerns. The three surgeons who worked under Eljamel in Dundee all said he was a bully who was allowed to get away with harming patients, that there was a lack of accountability in the department and that Eljamel was allowed to behave as if he were a "god" - partly because of the research funding he brought to the department.
We really need to stop this idolisation of flawed men in bow ties. Leann should have said - you what? Cut a hole in my skull? Remove a
piece of the bony protection of my self, my identity, my memory store, my
bladder control ffs - naw, mate, you need a quick rubdown with a house brick and entombing in a mine shaft.
Why the bow tie? In order to prevent a long tie dabbling in wounds/pus/pee/faeces/semen, some brighter-than-most tied the two ends together in a pretty bow. Couldn't just leave it off, of course.
It was Dr Ignaz Semmelweis (July 1818 to August 1865), a Hungarian doctor and scientist, who discovered that doctors' dirty hands transmitted infection and that hand washing in chlorinated lime solutions would reduce mortality to below 2% in newly-delivered mothers, who were attended by doctors who had come from the dissecting room to the delivery room without washing their hands. This offended his colleagues, who mocked him and rejected his conclusions. The Semmelweis reflex is a metaphor for human behaviours characterized by reflex-like rejection of new knowledge because it contradicts entrenched norms, beliefs, or paradigms. It didn't end well for Dr. Semmelweis, who was incarcerated for lunacy by his erstwhile colleagues, beaten by the warders, which induced a sepsis in the wounds they made, from which he died.
Dr Nicholas Chapman, aged 55, from Taunton, seems not to subscribe to the Semmelweisian doctrine of hand washing. He told Gloucester Crown Court last week that he suffers from a medical condition that causes him to ejaculate when going to the toilet; he does not wash his hands after urinating and therefore he had semen on his hands when making a cup of coffee for a female friend and the semen found its way into the coffee, dirty fucking bastard. The Court rejected his explanation for the presence of his semen in the coffee made by this barista from hell, and convicted him of attempting to engage in sexual activity without consent. His victim had reported her suspicions that coffee made by Chapman was unlike that available at Starbucks and took a sample to Avon and Somerset Police, who tested the drink and found Chapman's semen in it. Sentencing will take place on the 6th July.
You can't make this stuff up. Just remember - the person most likely to kill you is your Doctor. Or commit peculiar sexual assaults upon you. Should you be offered a coffee, or, indeed, a trepanning, when next visiting your GP, just say no.
Ishmaelites may remember that mr ishmael wrote of Leicester Royal Infirmary with particular venom: here's an example:
Leicester Royal Infirmary, in my experience, is a filthy, shambolic, polyglot, twelve-storey shithole which should be demolished; overrun by dangerously useless foreign nurses and doctors who can't or won't speak English; a spell in that place would surely nourish one's inner Ukipper. I saw an oriental nurse, doing diabetic blood tests, whose actions could not but pass infection from one patient's bloodstream to that of the next patient; she wiped-off excess blood from a patient's thumb-prick not with a swab or a piece of cotton wool but with the thumb of her latex glove, repeating the process, wearing the same glove, with the next dozen patients, into each patient's bloodstream, thus, passing the blood of the previous patient. She should have been jailed. Fortunately - and sensibly - I always do my own blood tests in hospital and waved the filthy bitch away. In the same ward, another, young, student male nurse, spread sepsis in a uniquely thoughtful way - when he performed the blood tests he would carefully tape a little cotton wool to the test site, each time tearing the tape between his teeth.
Leicester Royal Infirmary, flagship NewLabour disease pit, and employer of mad ventriloquist McCann, has a mission statement which says: Doesn't matter if our incompetent actions result in your death as you would have died eventually anyway. Honest. Stanislav not invent. The government could display real vision by adapting this to any outbreak of plague.
The reason for this vitriol is that mr ishmael had the misfortune to be treated in Leicester Royal Infirmary for a severe infection of a diabetic ulcer at the base of his big toe. After the infection was brought under some control by the administration of intravenous antibiotics, the surgeon-doctor-bastard wanted to operate to remove dead and diseased tissue from the wound. I was with mr ishmael when the Important Surgeon's flunky brought the consent form to mr ishmael's bedside the night before the operation. The flunky explained that the procedure would be carried out under general anaesthetic, was called a debridement, which might include amputation of the big toe. mr ishmael told the flunky that he did not consent to the removal of his toe. Flunky protested that refusal might necessitate mr ishmael be woken up mid operation to gain his consent. "But I will not consent to my toe being amputated", he stoutly responded, "Under Any Circumstances". He struck out from the consent form the words: "debridement up to and including the removal of the great toe", and signed it. You know how this ends. He woke up after the operation, his foot swathed in bandages, his great toe removed and off to the incinerator.
We were in Leicester because we were en route home to Orkney after a holiday. The amputation of a big toe from a middle-aged unstable diabetic is not a trivial thing. It takes some recovery. It is not like those super-fit young Invictus-Games athletes. mr ishmael never wore shoes again - he had to wear those stupid surgical booties. When mr ishmael was home he reported the assault upon his person to the Leicester Police, who flew a couple of police officers to Orkney to interview him. Doubtless they fancied a bit of a holiday. They were hugely sympathetic, telling mr ishmael that they had long wanted to get their hands on one of these arrogant bastards who fancied themselves above the law - well, face it, they usually are: (more cream in your coffee, Officer? God, NO.) They had their doubts about a successful prosecution, saying that the medical/surgical profession are rarely prosecuted, but, hey, let's have a go, here's the non-consent form, black and white evidence, and even if we can't get it into Court, we'll have 'im down the cells and put the frighteners on 'im. Here's mr ishmael on the conclusion of the matter:
My last stint in an English hospital, the Leicester Royal Infirmary, resulted in my getting Surgeon Brown arrested and interviewed under caution, although, of course, the CPS felt that a jury wouldn't convict a doctor, although I, given a chance, would have made certain that they did, no matter; he'll never do that shit again, having had his collar felt.
Fucking Surgeon Brown said in his defence to the police: "well, it would have auto-amputated, anyway". (Translation - would have fallen off). The bastard got carried away - in there with his sharp little knife, cut-cutting way, happy days, patient anaesthetised up to fuck, snicker-snack and went galumphing back.
Here's an interesting side bar with myself - you know I was in private practice as a hypnotherapist? The multiplicity of self constantly intrigues me. So, for example, who is it who pulls your hand away from the flame before your conscious mind is even aware of the danger? Who is it who stands up before your conscious mind decides to do so? The clever fellows with instruments have charted these responses in the brain (that precious thing held safe in its bony carapace until some surgeon-bastard breaches its integrity) long before the self that you call you has got around to any action. So, working with my clients under hypnosis has long convinced me that only your conscious mind is anaesthetised. Another part of you is perfectly aware of the assault perpetrated upon you under anaesthetic, feels every slice of the scalpel, hears the ribald jokes about your anatomy, your adipose tissue, your chances for survival. And that part of you is unprepared, frightened by being rendered paralysed, unable to fight back, not understanding the therapeutic intent of this surgical assault. Think of it as a child, or an adult dog. Competent, but limited. It is not their world. So the best preparation for surgery, if you really must go under the knife (don't even think about cosmetic surgery - it is only an income generator for the surgeon and his team and not remotely therapeutic), is to get yourself into your own peak of physical perfection - stop smoking, lose excess weight, exercise, stop drinking alcohol, drink water, get deep sleep, and have multiple coaching sessions with the part of yourself that will face the knife wide awake, hurting and scared. The pain of surgery is only postponed by anaesthesia.
How do that? Well, alone.
Take yourself into a trance state. You know that state well - you've been slipping into and out of it since the womb - some call it prayer, some meditation, some lost in a good book, or a film, or contemplation, or pre-sleep. And reassure that part of yourself that all will be well, that this is a good hurt that will help make you well, that the surgeons are skilful, purposeful and effective. The most effective mantra is: this is a small injury quickly healed.
That's enough crap about doctors.

So, Johnson has been fucked up the arse by Parliament. They've been queuing up, elbowing each other aside for their turn. Constantly amusing, the Tories, self-serving, self-aggrandising, motivated by the conviction that we may be fucking awful, but we're better than Labour, and God intends us to have dam' fine incomes. This Report, though, in all its tedious length, does seem to be a peculiarly nasty hatchet job. Ninety days, eh, what?
Strangely, the Great British Public seems to be regarding Johnson as the originator of Covid, the bloke what killed their elderly relatives, a bit of a Nero, partying away while Britain couldn't even go down the pub, never mind pick up a bit of willing totty.
Interviewed on the Laura Noseberg show on Sunday morning,
Michael Gove, God Bless 'im (he's become a bit of a National Treasure by dint of Not Going Away), was firmly, decisively, resolutely, definitively, not to be drawn on the issue of Boris - good bloke, or Boris - Evil Monster from Hell.
"The Report of the Privileges Committee is a thorough piece of work and it has much to inform us and I will be firmly and resolutely abstaining":

The three volumes of mr ishmael's Collected Works, selected, edited and anthologised by mr verge, the House Filthster, are now available.

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That was a very sad read.
Our health service here is staffed by a lot of young Poms. I would guess relatively fresh from training in the UK. A lot of good looking young sheilas, I might add. They will enjoy their time in Sydney. Our immigration system is currently prioritising health care professionals, which IMHO is completely wrong because we are effectively stealing from other countries.
In contrast to the crown jewel, the NHS, if you need a GP appointment here (in Sydney) it can be done on-line and will be available in 1-4 days. In my limited experience, a half hour consultation is normal, face-to-face, and very thorough. I've had the same GP for over 20 years; his only lament is that he can't make more money from me. I now go for semi-regular checkups; he tells me off for not doing my bowel cancer screening - but I don't like fiddling with my own shit.
Here we have a rather confusing system: there is free hospital care, or you can choose private care, and I think probably a majority have private medical insurance. Emergency care is free, although you may get charged for an ambulance. GP consultations are either free (bulk billed) or there is a charge (typically 20 quid). Physio incurs a charge depending in the users health insurance; diagnostic (imaging, blood tests etc) is either free or may incur a charge. The wait time is usually 1-3 days. The charging element discourages the time wasters.
Overall, and I'm trying to be factual, the system works well here in Sydney, and is high class. It may be a little more challenging in the outback.
It is often said that the NHS in the UK is on its knees. This is ascribed to under-funding. I disagree. I think that people are just not very good at what they do, and they don't care. They will happily say "I suffer from "Imposter Syndrome", expecting to be reassured that, no, indeed, you are very good at what you do. But they aren't. And they don't know how to do it any better. It is not just in the NHS, of course. I took the car to the drive-through car wash the other day, and asked for a Platinum wash - the most expensive and thorough wash available. The bloke on the till said, with no hint of apology, nor even of ruefulness, "You can have a Platinum Wash, but there's no soap." So I reasonably enquired, if I buy the Gold wash, or the Silver wash or the Bronze wash, will there be soap? "No. There's no soap. We've run out. We've ordered some, but I don't know when we will get it hame. I'll sell you a Platinum for the price of a Bronze." So I had the Platinum wash with no soap, and, interestingly, it emerged quite clean. At least the crow shit and the dust had all gone. Now, if you are running a car wash business, then surely to God your business model depends on having a supply of soap. To run out of soap is an indication of someone in the business having a bad case of Imposter Syndrome because, essentially, he or she is an Imposter.
Interesting to learn that our NHS staff, expensively trained at my expense, are allowed to leave the country and work in Australia, using the skills that I bought them. Britain is actively recruiting foreign NHS staff to attempt to fill its many, many vacancies. Ghana is so incensed by this practice, needing its own nurses and doctors, trained at the Ghanaian tax payers' expense, that it does not allow UK NHS Trusts to advertise for staff in Ghana. I have mentioned that I'm really not a liberal. If the legislators are reluctant to curtail the freedom of individuals to waltz off to other countries to earn more cash than in the home country that trained them, then surely golden handcuffs could be applied? Yes, young person, you can be trained in the profession of your choice, but you cannot leave the country until you have paid back the costs of your training by working in that profession for the requisite number of years to defray the costs to the taxpayer. What, young person? Not happy with that deal? Okay, choose a different job.
The NHS, blessed be, was set up with one objective in mind. And that was that nobody should be denied treatment through their inability to pay for it at point of use. I can think of few things more civilised and obvious. Given that most folk are not lilies of the field but have to work for a living, being sick is going to deprive one of the required readies to pay a doctor. And back then we all ate full Englishes and smoked 60 per day and therefore keeled over the moment we put down the tools.
But now? Now it is the business of every busybody bastard to ensure that I live forever as miserably as possible. How well we remember the illegal chocolate bar in one of the kids' lunchbox. Only yesterday an apparent communication from the NHS offering me eye and ear consultations in the comfort of my own home. "Call our friendly team or book online." "Hearing aid solutions start from as little as £650." Company number in the smallest print known to man. You'd need their eye services to find the bugger let along read it. And so it all goes on. A pretence shrouded in s myth. Every year more lies, more money, more waste and repetition, more entrenched yea unto the grave.
So, mr mongoose, maybe the full explanation for the dire state of the NHS is not just incompetence (although, to my mind, that is a significant factor), but capitalism. When ethics are in the service of profit, then there is no job the NHS won't tackle if there's a bob or two in it. Take all this gender re-assignment on kids who haven't finished growing, whose brains aren't fully developed and therefore they can't link consequences to actions. What sort of society would administer puberty-delaying drugs to children, perform gender-reassignment surgery on adolescents and young adults on their, or their parents, whims? A society driven by the profit principle.
mrs ishmael, what happened to poor leanne at the hands of demon dr drill-bit constitutes a perfect analogy for the fate which has befallen this stupid isle: the country caught a nasty cold and boris bob-a-job proceeded to drill a hole in its head...
in a crowded theatre...
whilst screaming "fire" at the very top of his voice...
however, given that there is ultimately not a penny to be made from destroying patients' health, the disease which rots both our state and its notional health service cannot be capitalism - or its essential regulator, the free market - but can, my dear lady, only be corruption - that vital ingredient by which the establishment superciliously differentiates itself from the ideal integrity of the state.
"what sort of society would administer puberty-delaying drugs to children, perform gender-reassignment surgery on adolescents and young adults on their, or their parents, whims?"
the answer to that question is: a corrupt society.
as for the inquiry, well i'm sorry to inform the more hopeful amongst us that, despite a quarter of our population recognizing the 'covid-pandemic' to be no less than a nefarious neo-liberal hoax, never in a million years will the establishment find the establishment guilty of genocide by totally unnecessary lockdown.
i mean, since the corrupt colander of the nhs currently comprises the constantly coughing cash-cow of the establishment, then whyever would the establishment wish to concede that the horrendous spike in all-cause mortality was incompetently precipitated by closing down half the nhs, slinging seriously ill patients out of hospital, denying care-home residents outside medical attention, and forcing sick people to self-annihilate at home...?
whyever would the establishment want to conclude that, due to an initial german refusal to be panicked into lockdown, clinical deutschland suffered absolutely no 'first wave' of excess-death - and escaped this 'horror' despite sharing the same continental landmass and free-moving infections?
you see, the establishment has well-and-truly painted its silly soddin' self into an excruciating existential corner, for if withdrawal of integral medical services really did not cause the excess-deaths of over 200 000 hapless british citizens, then whatever is to stop us from shutting down half the nhs and subsequently saving a shitload money?
now, granted the almost complete absence of excess-'pandemic'-death in cooler-headed nations such as japan, the first question to be posed by an independent investigatory panel should of course be: was there actually a deadly pandemic...?
yet tragically - and indeed criminally - this fundamental question will never be asked and thus - thanks to brain-dim biden-bitch dame hide-it - the truth will never be permitted to emerge.
not unconnectedly, we are, at present, suicidally engaged in a dead-end de facto war with russia - which has brought europe to the verge of economic destruction - and uncoincidentally, the coke-snuffling balliol-chancer who cleverly contrived to drop us into this nazi-hugging neo-imperialist mess - but who, just the other day, could not even afford to foot the bill for his wife's bumptious byzantine wallpaper - has recently picked up an ostentatious oxfordshire manor for a touch under £4 million - along with an untrained ukrainian nanny, a handsy ukrainian housekeeper, a buxom ukrainian gardner, a blonde ukrainian masseuse, and a top-notch ukrainian tennis-coach.
yikes, to say this chap's gone gadaffi is an unequivocal understatement.
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
finally, the cia-subsidized guardian gets it:
health bosses warn of heart disease emergency in england
"charity calls for prioritisation of nhs heart care after nearly 100,000 excess deaths since march 2020
england is engulfed in a cardiovascular disease emergency, health bosses have said, as stark figures reveal there have been almost 100,000 excess deaths since the start of the covid pandemic.
analysis of official government data suggests that more than 500 people a week are dying needlessly from heart disease, heart attacks or strokes. there have been 96,540 extra cardiovascular-related deaths since march 2020, according to the report by the british heart foundation.
in the first year of the pandemic, covid-19 infections led to a surge in excess cardiovascular deaths, the charity said. but while deaths from covid-19 have since fallen, the number of cardiovascular disease deaths have remained much higher than expected."
who wudda thunk it, eh?
yeah, bugger me backwards, i mean, who would ever have imagined that injecting oneself with the sars-cov-2 spike-protein - which is known to attack the epithelial cell-lining of blood-vessels - could possibly, possibly go wrong?
fucking establishment wankers
It isn't so much corruption or incompetence as it is a form of over-reaching I-know-bestism. Some of them really do think they have world-beating intellects and only they are fit to govern and pronounce. They don't eat shit from Lidl; so why would anyone else? "Poppy and I shop at Waitrose, don't you know, if only people looked after themselves, the poor NHS wouldn't be so overloaded. Although Johnny gets Private from work, you know. I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror if I stole some poor person's place in the queue."
It is the same with everything. Who cannot afford a Tesla on the drive? Who cannot afford tripling the energy cost of running a house? Who cannot afford private schooling and tutors? Well, the folk who clean the shitters in all these places can't afford any of that. Five in the morning with their shit-brush before going back to get the kids dropped off at school, and then back to stack the shelves for Poppy. "Have you tried the gluten-free focaccia, darling? It's simply divine. Tarquin won't eat anything else."
And of course for three-quarters of them, it is my money, and your money that pays for it all. Whether levied taxation on pain of legal violence or inflated must-haves - water, mortgages, BBC licences. Come the revolution, brothers and sisters, up against the wall, motherfuckers!
mg3 and I were at Edgbaston for the last day, mr mike. It was his first ever day of Ashes cricket in the flesh. I thought towards the end he was going to eat his chair. Wafer thin but too many dropped catches is the thin gruel to take away. I am though sure that only Stokes could have made a game of that on that pitch. So let us hope that he carries on and is not undermined by the blather of souls so much less brave.
Bravo mr mongoose.
Go, Ishmaelites, Go! Splendid subversive stuff!
And in other news, mr mike, what is going on in Russia, with the Wagnerians marching on Moscow? Do tell.
Well, it was over as soon as it started, Mrs I. Less than 24 hours.
The only sane explanation I have read is as follows: "CIA/MI6 offered Prigohzin billions to stage a coup; this was on the presumption that the Ukrainian spring offensive would succeed (it didn't, and was a slaughter for Ukraine). Prigohzin told Putin; Putin said OK, and they banked the money".
Note: if this was for real Prigohzin would already be dead; Russian intel would have known. Also, its laughable that the few thousand (5k estimate) of Wagner troops involved (many of whom are long serving ex-Russian special forces and highly patriotic) would do this. If this was for real, those troops would be dead also.
The proof of the pudding is that Prigohzin has been pardoned and the Wagner troops have been offered contracts in the Russian regular army.
It is also rumoured, mr mike, that Prigohzin is bound for the Belarus. To do what, I wonder.
Prigohzin is on his way to Belarus, and then wherever. They may even allow him to keep some of his billions? If he had instigated a real coup he would either already be dead, or swinging from his testicles in Red Square.
There is a lot more to this we can only surmise. But its origin is in the West.
Thank you, mr mike, your explanation makes more sense than anything else that I've read - but why would the U.S. want to back Progohzin to replace Putin? It seems he is a far nastier piece of work than Putin, an extreme Russian nationalist who advocates for full Russian mobilisation to bring Ukraine into submission - makes Putin seem a reasonable and kindly man.
Mrs I: the US's fantasy has always been to break up Russia into small statelets so they could devour them and basically steal their resources. Actually, this long pre-dates the US. Its a European fantasy. First Sweden led a European army, then Napoleon, then Hitler. These were all European armies. Each got their arse handed to them. Now we have the latest attempt: the US leading the Europeans from the rear.
Here is a former CIA analyst's view - in all humility I can say I read this after my post.
The West should thank their Gods that someone with the restraint of Putin is in control.
Thanks for the link, mr mike - most enlightening - and you floated the explanation first. The consensus seems to be that we've been gazing at smoke and mirrors.
you're basically right, mr mongoose, however of course the problem is not so much i-know-bestism as it is the power of a few stuck-up establishment-cokeheads, and nob-sucking nato-imperialists, to impose their personal twisted i-know-bestism upon the rest of us; after all, we can all suffer from petty bourgeois i-know-bestism, yet most of us do not possess the establishment-granted wherewithal to inflict our ideological excesses upon other folk's lives - and since we plebs share common basic values with the majority of humanity, nor do we need this jackbooted capability to stamp our individual weltanschauung on our neighbour's face, simply in order to save our own; it's the spotless establishment-snobs who are deviant from normality, not the politically unwashed underclass - and these 'progressive' neo-liberal snobs clearly require a good hose-down with cold reality.
by-the-way, mr mongoose, you won't need a tv-licence, because the revolution won't be televized - unless it's fake-news on cia-channel 4...
and thus i can easily determine that the russian coup was not a coup and the january 6th insurrection was not an insurrection - nor even a nutty neo-nazi epiphany.
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