There's this crazy Liverpudlian, Michael Cullen, 58 years old, who has been keeping himself busy walking the length of Britain in a state of undress, to raise money for Charidee. His latest achievement was a five hour climb to the top of Ben Nevis, in minus 18 degrees of C. temperatures, through the snow, wearing swimming trunks and carrying an odd assortment of bits and pieces, including a scottish flag and what looks like a blue kite. He got to the top on Monday.

Shifty Zahawi, au contraire, never had any intention of "giving back". He was determined to hang onto as much as he possibly could, despite the laws of this country, a country his wealthy banking family adopted having migrated here from Iraq, when he was 11, to remove themselves from Sadam Hussein's early years of power and any possible objections to the accumulation of massive personal wealth, his grandad having been the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and his dad a business man and investment banker. Just speculating, here. Like Shifty.
Anyway, he can't call in aid him being a Swarthy Levantine, a stranger here and not to the manor born, on account of he received a typical British privileged education at King's College School and University College London, where he took his degree in Chemical Engineering. (As a side bar with myself, them chem. eng. blokes are worse than med. students - I've seen them in full carouse down the main bar in the Students' Union. Kind, gentle and caring, they are not. Braying, misogynist drunks, they are). Oh, yes, and he was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time. I know, only for five minutes, 5th July to the 6th September 2022, having been thrown out by Tank Girl Truss for his Boris affiliations, despite being him being very keen on low taxes. In order to "steady the ship and stabilise the economy". But, still, Boris clearly thought the man knew enough about taxation to head up HMRC along with his other onerous duties and responsibilities. After all, he had stoutly denied knowing that he was under investigation by the Serious Fraud Squad, the National Crime Agency and HMRC. He said that he was being smeared.

Smeared or not smeared, he's been fined for an error in his tax affairs that was "careless and not deliberate". "Careless" has a specific meaning to HMRC - you are not supposed to be careless. It is not as bad as tax evasion, which will put you in prison, but it is there on the naughty step. Shifty needs to sack all those highly expensive accountants and tax lawyers who have been careless with his tax return. And how much has this cost him? The surmise is that he has
agreed to pay several million pounds to HMRC in a penalty for his carelessness in his use of an offshore company (the Gibraltar-based family trust Balshore Investments) to hold shares in YouGov.
Several million. Didn't make much of a saving there, then, with all that tax dodginess.
Several million? Kind of makes poor mad Michael Cullen's naked mountain-climbing lifelong Charidee fund-raising efforts of a mere £one million look like a whole big waste of time.
Then there was the story this week that, allegedly, Richard Sharp helped Boris to secure a loan of £800,000 from Canadian millionaire, Sam Blyth. The three of them allegedly had dinner together at Chequers to sort out the details, with Richard Sharp allegedly acting as "go-between". It’s no secret that, despite his very healthy wage supplied by the taxpayer, Boris Johnson ran into some financial difficulties whilst in office as Prime Minister. Funnily enough, a few weeks later, Richard Sharp was appointed Chair of the BBC, a position earning £180,000 per annum.

Westminster avariciousness and pre-criminality feed straight into Gnasher Sturgeon's narrative of bad, sick England exploiting pure, simple, hard working Scotland.

So, its War, d'ye ken, we'll no tolerate English interference in Scottish affairs any longer, we'll tak' some o' they Leopard tanks the Germans won't give to Ukraine and roll on down to London.

Here's mr ishmael, with an imagined political interview:
Gnasher Over London 12th February 2015
First Minister Gnasher, you lost the referendum, didn't you?
Well, Andrew, I think we won but that's a debate to be had. But not here.
Why not here?

Well, Andrew, as I said, and as the Scottish people so clearly said, in the referendum, that's a debate to be had but not here.
But they didn't....
They didn't what, Andrew....
They didn't say anything about a debate to be had, not now, not anytime. You lost the referendum...
Well, Andrew, that's a debate to be had. Un-preeec-edented numbers of people voted for Independence, un-preeeec-edented numbers...
Yes, but more voted against Independence. Doesn't that mean anything to you, the fact that you lost?
Well, Andrew, lose, win, that's a debate to be had but not now.
Woddawoodsay, though, Andrew, is that, setting the result aside, the numbers of votes, we clearly won the referendum, un-preeec-edented numbers of people voted for Independence and it's only people like you English who refuse to acknowledge that fact.
But I'm not English....
Well, Andrew, let me put it like this. Did or didnae ye vote for Independence?
I didn't have a vote. Either way. The SNP didn't allow me to vote. Nor millions like me.
There ye are, Andrew, that makes ye English by my reckoning. In fact, woddawoodsay, Andrew, is that anyone who isnae in the SNP is English and therefore not entitled tae vote in the next referendum.

(breathes heavy sigh) I'm too old for this nutter shit. Alright, then, you're not gonna answer my question. What about the oil price, you all staked your political souls on the fact that it could only go up. It has gone down, massively, the economy of Aberdeenshire and indeed of the whole of Scotland is tanking. Do you wanna take this opportunity to apologise?
Well, Andrew, that's a debate to be had but, quite frankly, now is not the time to have it........
Are you, First Minister Gnasher, are you unable to apologise?
Well, Andrew, not only can I but I can't, gggrrrrrrrrrr, not only should I but I shouldn't as well, it is a debate to be had but not here, oil is just.....ggggrrrrrrrrrrrr, gnasshhhhh gnassshhhhh, ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrm, grrrrrrrr.... nhs scotland in meltdoon, ggrrrrrr, gggrrrrrrr, ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, SNP ruling for some but not the majority, grrrrrrr-gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Trident, over my deid, nasty, wee body gggrrrrrrrrrr-grrrrgrrrrr, coalition wi' Miliband ggrrrrrrrrrrrr not only will I but I won't, yadadadadada, I demand a half a per cent per whatever increase in whatever to bring aboot nae austerity, ken, aye and balance they books ggrrrrrrrrrrr-grrgrrrgrrrrrr aye, an' Scottish votes on English matters gnashhhhh-gnassshhhh-gnasshhhh, the Scottish people voted in un-preeec-edented numbers for Independence and it is only the frankly discredited Westminster politicians, Andrew and lickspittle journalists like yourselves who are denying us our historic ggrrrrrrrrrr......ggrrrrrrrrr

thanks to editor mr. verge, there are now three anthologies of the collected works of ishmael smith:
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Thanks to editor mr. verge, there are now three anthologies of the collected works of ishmael smith:
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Honest Not Invent, Vent Stack and Ishmael’s Blues are all available from Lulu and Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, it would be nice if you could give a review on their website.
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Some 'orrible pictures there, Mrs I. Can't we have a nice one of your garden to cheer us up.
Pardon my French, but fin de siecle springs to mind. You subjects will be crowning your new king soon (paid for by you) and it will look good on the telly. So all is well.
Meanwhile, Vlad has destroyed Ukraine - and the Red Army proper has yet to be committed to battle. NATO is being hollowed out. But who knows? 14 rusty old Challengers might change the tide of battle. I doubt it. I hope this time Russia finishes the job Stalin didn't last time the Euros decided to have a pop at Russia.
Thank you, mr mike, truly 'orrible pictures. I'm particularly enamoured of the many-fingered, sticky fingered image of Shifty Zahawi and the sturdy, kilted Scots Nat lad who appears to be budding some girly breasts under his manly, hairy nipps. All the images, apart from poor mad mick striding through the snows of Ben Nevis in his budgie smugglers were created by Stable Diffusion, an A.I. programme that creates original artwork from prompts and its access to all the images on the internet.
It is now touted around the news media that the "several millions" that Shifty was required to pay to HMRC was £5 million and, by his own statement, he was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the same time that he was negotiating with the HMRC to avoid imprisonment by stuffing millions at them. Honestly, you couldn't make it up.
As for whatever is left of Ukraine, it is time this year-long war is brought to an end. The cost in death and misery is too great.
It is not quite as bad as all that, mrs i. My dear old dad was - after barefoot to school in the thirties and much penniless toil and paid for evening classes - a tax accountant. The tax authorities can do as they please - and often do so under threat of legal violence. He had a great pile of mouldering papers in his office and from time to time as I did my homework a tax lad would visit. Threats and bluster would happen and dad would just say "OK, but we'll appeal that. Or do you want me to draw up the accounts and get them to you?" I never heard a one say "No".
The tax authorities are not some knights in shining armour seeking out the absolute truth. They're fucking highway robbers who bully and cheat and lie.
Mongoose's (Inherited) 19th Law: "Never speak to the taxman, never write to him, never reply to a letter from him, never engage in any way with him, never (EVER!!) sign your tax return or otherwise promise or warrant truth." The process is the crime-trap. We're not paying the wages of saintly nurses with our taxes; we're buying bombs for madness in the Ukraine, and golden wallpaper for No10's floozies. Fuck that! Not in my name.
Now we are just humble folks who earn wages or salaries or otherwise scratch a living by the sweat of. Capitalists bastards buy and sell us and their transactions are fewer and larger. I very much doubt that when the smoke clears that Z has done anything other than game the system perfectly legally, as his wealth allows him to do but which opportunity our relative poverty denies us.
PMQs was interesting, wasn't it? So "tax avoidance" is now the unpardonable sin whose place was previously held by tax evasion. Notwithstanding that Zahawi's goolies will be in a skip by sundown, this is the thin edge of the woke wedge. It is nowadays completely unacceptable to state certain obvious truths. Such as a woman being an adult human female. A new one has just been added and that is "It's OK to lawfully minimise your taxes".
The form is this. they find someone whose affairs don't match the normal metrics. they assess an underpayment based on the difference. They send a demand complete with penalties and interest, and then they threaten to come to your gaff and nick your stuff if you don't pay within - it used to be - 28 days. Well, guess what? They guessed and blustered. Take the chit to a tax accountant and most of the drivel will fall away.
If Zahawi was a criminal, and he being a Tory minister, they'd have him in cuffs at the Bailey.
From The Times today:
Jim Harra, chief executive of HMRC, made clear that being “careless” did not mean someone had made a simple mistake.
“Carelessness is a concept in tax law,” he told MPs on the public accounts committee. “It can be relevant to how many back years we assess. It can be relevant to whether someone is liable to a penalty. There are no penalties for innocent errors in your tax affairs.
“If you take reasonable care but nevertheless make a mistake, you would be liable for the tax and interest if it’s paid late. You would not be liable for a penalty, but if your error was as a result of carelessness then legislation says a penalty applies in those circumstances.”
So that's all clear then. Never, ever, never speak to the taxman.
That's so disappointing, mr mongoose. I want Shifty Zahawi to be a tax-dodging villain. We all want him to be. He's perfect for the villain. He looks Dodgy. And he's filthy rich - isn't that enough for the part?
Mind you, we hold no brief for the tax man. You know what Christ had to say about them.
There aren't any nice pictures of the garden, mr mike. It's January and here in Orkney, it is dark, cold, wet, windy and often sleety, haily and snowy. There are quite a few snowdrops out, though, and I've even seen buds on daffodils in very sheltered corners - so it can't be much longer.
Spring is my favorite season, Mrs I. Brings hope. Look forward to your garden pics. (sorry, I almost typed: looking forward to seeing your buds).
Oh, I am with you, mrs i. I want a few of the bastards dragged out in chains but it is just silly to expect the tax affairs of someone like Z to be as transparent and orderly as a PAYE wage slave such as thee or me.
And some HMRC people are truly evil bastards. I've seen them destroy folk just because they could. Just like that pig quoted a couple of messages back "I have decided that I have detected a careless error rathe than an uncareless error - which is an concept in tax law, look you - and I hereby dob another 30% on the bill."
Was he a Welsh one, mr mongoose? ("Look you".)
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