Politics is Show Business for Ugly People

This is Stephen Flynn MP, before he defenestrated Fatty Blackford as Leader of the SNP at Westminster -

and became Mekon Flynn, Member of Parliament for Aberdeen South, an oil industry constituency.

.All those bulging brains barely contained in that big shiny head have spit out Mekon Flynn's considered opinion that Gnasher McSturgeon is the most outstanding politician of her generation in Europe, subtle, intelligent, far-seeing, successful, dugget, and what she says goes.

I think she's had a word with him.
He's also rock-solid on Gnasher's policy of using the next general election as a "de facto" referendum on Scottish independence. The thinking of the most outstanding politician in Europe goes like this:
A referendum on Scottish independence was held on the 18th September 2014, the electorate being told that this was a once in a generation opportunity to throw off the shackles of union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 55.3% of voters said No, we want to stay British. A generation is generally reckoned by demographers and statisticians to be 25 years. Simple arithmetic, however, is not part of the SNP skill-set, for eight years later (not 25), in June 2022, Sturgeon announced plans to hold another referendum on 19 October 2023. Boris refused permission. This is not a devolved matter. So Gnasher Sturgeon referred the question of whether a referendum can take place without the UK government's agreement to the UK Supreme Court, which ruled in November 2022 no, you can't. So now she says that if the Scottish National Party get a majority in the next general election - unlike their present position, shored up in Holyrood by the Greens, that such a result is a declaration of intent to leave the United Kingdom. This is, of course, bollocks, would have no binding effect on the Westminster Government and make no difference whatsoever to the Westminster position. It just means that there would be MPs of an SNP persuasion in Westminster. Just like now. Gnasher, of course, seems not to have grasped the difference between her devolved administration in Holyrood and the Government of the United Kingdom.
And Mekon Flynn has the job of defending this gibberish. Or he'll be defenestrated like Fatty Blackford, that simple, crofting, Merchant Banking former SNP Leader in Westminster.
I wouldn't give a toss about any of this nonsense, and I'm sure that you don't, you Gentlemen of England now abed, holding your cheap manhoods (not quite right, mrs. ish), but I have skin in the game. Being a British citizen, living, working, owning property in, getting and spending in Scotland, part of Britain.
Talking of skin in the game, Rishi Sunak ain't got no right to be pontificating about the NHS - not until he's got a dog in the race. Last Sunday, on the Laura Kuennssnose Show, squirmy, little, wriggly, dwarfy, cross-eyed Sunak point blank refused to say whether he used private medicine. We know he does. Can you imagine him down his local GP surgery, queuing in the waiting room, waiting on a trolley in an NHS corridor, going round the chemist's with his scrip, whilst his security battalion surround him, fending off the outraged complaints of fellow-patients - wot's he doing ere, taking up time with our doctor, get round Harley Street, you, and get a good gravy dinner into you.

Why won't you tell us, Prime Minister, whether you use private health care, said Laura, politely but implacably. That's private, he said. His ears told us the truth, though. Have you noticed, that when he tells lies, or gets embarrassed, his ears grow, start flapping and turn red? Have a look, next time he's interviewed or at PMQs - dead useful little tell, that one.

He's subsequently confessed. though. Turns out he has used private health care. Well, who'd have thought it?
He also wouldn't be drawn on whether he'd help the Royal Family to sort out its current domestic difficulties. I'm not talking about the Royal Family, he said, even when Laura Nose told him John Sodding Major had gone in for a bit of go-betweening with Charles and Diana back in the day.
It was Keir Starmer's turn to face the same questions this morning. No mucking about, though. Straight forward and manly under fire. Have you ever used private health care?
Would you help out the Royal Family with a bit of counselling?
No, I wouldn't do that.
Laura's got Gnasher Sturgeon under interrogation next Sunday. Maybe she'll get asked about her Gender Recognition Reform Bill - which will impact on UK law thusly: English bloke goes up to Scotland. I'm a woman he says, and I promise I'll live like a woman for 6 months. Okay, here's your Gender Recognition Certificate, off you go. Goes back to England. I'm a woman, he says, and this certificate proves it and you can't stop me going in women's toilets, in battered wives' hostels and in women's prisons. Yes, I've still got my full meat and potatoes, want to make something of it?
Anyway, Keir Starmer, who has got both skin in the game and a dog in the race, is going to sort out the NHS when he gets into power in two years time. He's sick of being in opposition, he says, and he's going to make a difference. Well, thank goodness for that - someone needs to do it, the NHS, sort it, that is. A man of high ambition.
The National Health Service is the term for the publicly funded healthcare systems of the United Kingdom, set up in 1948 and funded from general taxation, apart from prescription charges in England. In 1948 the population was considerably smaller than now, the treatments available were limited and the ambitions of ordinary people to lead long, healthy lives, with their own teeth, good glasses, hearing aids, contraception, assisted conception and transgender surgery were similarly limited. These days, people expect planned pregnancies to result in healthy, viable babies, and if they don't, then they expect the NHS to ensure that foetuses that would have died in the womb or shortly afterwards survive to become long-lived adults with all their extensive and expensive medical needs paid for from general taxation. Instead of living a mere 5 years after retirement, folk expect to do nothing economically productive for 20 years after retirement and be maintained in good health. They demand that general taxation pays for the damaging physical consequences of dodgy lifestyles - addiction to alcohol, tobacco, sex, drugs, chips, extreme sports, gardening, the internal combustion engine and victory knee-slides. Oh, yes, mr mongoose wants unwise cricketing manoeuvres added to the list.
If I was Sir Keir, Sorting Out the NHS, I'd start with replacing the General Practitioner with ChatGPT, an advanced Artificial Intelligence chatbot which interacts in a conversational way. Its trainers say that the dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. Totally unlike the average GP. I tell you, having seen medical students in the general bar of the Students' Union of Birmingham University, I think a Chatbot is the way to go. Especially if it can do blood tests, which seem to have replaced the average GP's diagnostic skills. As mr ishmael used to advise - the person most likely to kill you is your doctor.
Poetry Corner:
‘Mortal,’ said the sprite, ‘be wary; shallow learning is unwary;Heed the perils of reliance on machin’ry’s mere compliance.’
The couplet is by chatbot ‘Claude’, who was asked to write a poem about itself and the impact of machine intelligence in the style of Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Raven’.
27/05/2009 Stanislav, An Outpatient, Speaks
Go down local hospital today for laser surgery, on old mince pies, Fuck me, gently. Not hurt a bit says eyebloke. Cunt. Not hurt him a bit but is like some bastard hammer hot nails in stanislav eyeball, fucking dreadful. Is OK? says eyebloke; No, is not OK, is fucking murder, is on special extra fucking hot setting, eh? ten million volts? best leave off for a minute. Have had laser surgery before, few time, and never hurt like this bastard, is exfuckingcrutiating. Edinburgh Royal College of Surgeon-Extortionists says that doctor working in Highland and Island is often alcoholic, drug addict or misfit; this bloke look like all three bastards. Scotland is best part of England and can see doctor very easy, is just that is maybe crap and dangerous; dirty, drunken mentalcase with hand shaking and bad breath full of garlic, often has huge beard and hair everywhere, like fucking Hobbit and would sooner cut own throat than wash hands between patient. Anyway, to start off with, eyebloke puts stanislav head in iron mask and is damning and fucking because nothing works, turns out he has the lens in the wrong way round; good job, says stanislav, it didn’t fucking work, else you’d a had laser in your eyes, innit, and serve you right. Maybe was wrong thing to say. Anyway stanislav not want to be seen as ladyman or wuss but after few seconds is in agony, can’t see and both eye is streaming and head is exploding. Can do Zen shit, meditation and self-hypnosis, just sort of empty mind of Now and tranceout, feel no pain, or little pain, but not with this bastard. Have you got much more to do, maybe can put up with if nearly finished is? You've had 56 shots. And how many is more to come? Is a thousand altogether. Oh fuck me, nine hundred and forty four more bastard nails hammer in fucking eyeball, fuck that shit, can't put up with, is like some bastard set fire to inside of head and bombs going off in eyeballs, sweat like fucking Paddy Fawkes in confession box with noncing monsignor, another nine hundred will vomiting be and shit pants like demented old bastard on Tory backbench caught with fingers in till and cock in rentboy. Fuck it, can go blind and get dog, like Blunkett, Buster is dear old friend and best boy but is crap for walking about with, does great tripping-up even when stanislav can see, and even if didn't trip up and smash face on pavement would pull arm from socket in pursuit of other dogblokes. Can be blind plumber, stanislavplumbcheap4u in Braille. Anyway get money off government if blind is. Not fucking much, not as much as Mr and Mrs Balls or Mr Duncan, but is few quid and can always tune piano for living. Have had blind piano bloke come in gaff and tune-up Joanna. Is all horrible miserablest fucking bastard ever – this piano, Sir, is very out of tune. They all say that, like was crime against disabled bastards. Yes, is out of tune, that’s why stanislav sent for you in first place, you pianobloke is, if stanislav could tune piano, you wouldn’t be here, innit, can do most thing, but tune piano is job for blind bloke with fuck all else to do but listen, innit, is shit job, is only fit for blindbloke with special listening skills, so maybe it just SEEMS so out of tune because you is listening like a bastard and to me is just fucking out of tune, I mean, it doesn’t matter if is one note out of tune or eighty-fucking-eight out of tune, is same difference, piano sounds like shit, only takes is one note and whole thing is fucked, unless of course piece of music doesn’t have that one note in, which it might not, if was Three Blind - no offence – Mice, but can’t sit and play Three Blind Mice forever and ever, people come round for dinner and you say Oh Fuck me, guests, I’ll just play you Three Blind Mice, a few times, like last time, pretty soon run out of dinner guests, who wants to come and hear Three Blind Fucking Mice, year after year, and here in Scotland can only really invite expatriots because Jock is savage and no fucking manners has got and would smash gaff up if only was Three Blind Mice by way of post-prandial divertissement, so really either piano is in tune or is not in fucking tune, can’t be very in tune and so can’t be very out of tune either, and, matey, have had hard day with head down toilet so not fucking me about be anymore with this Piano Is Very Out Of Tune Shit, like was Blind Boy Monty Python and Parrot, only piano instead; have got topjolly Yamaha keyboard and never go out of fucking tune and sound more like piano than piano. Have got Yamaha acoustic guitar and Yamaha electric guitar, is like fucking Yamaha factory, could have fucking Nipponese orchestra in here and don’t fucking care if you tune piano or not, is only affectation, acoustic piano, Yamaha is much better. Don’t need all this shit, got plenty of shit without bad-tempered accusatory pianobloke coming in here and giving me more shit. Do you wanna tune out of tune piano, like it says in Yellow Pages or have you come round here to bully people? What is it with you blind fuckers? ‘snot my fault. Try to give you some work to do and is better than weaving fucking basket and only can whine about piano out of tune being, as though stanislav took front off from Joanna and twist all the tuning pegs with fucking molegrip just to piss you off ? Honest, not invent, is true conversation.
No, mate, don’t care if you is doctor or not, stanislav is not coward, has had loads of this shit before and is OK, sting a little bit and eyes water but this fucking torture is, you from MI fucking 5? Can take laser and shove-up arse of BMA, is fucking rubbish, come in NHS to get rid of fucking pain, not get fucking torture to death, can go on waterboarding vacation in Cuba and is not so fucking bad as this shit, can smell fucking eyeballs burning. You done this before ? Oh yes, am consultant, if is hurting you like fuck I can give you local anaesthetic. You mean needle in fucking eyeball, innit, is not good day for stanislav, nearly have eyes blown out through back of fucking head and now is fucking get eyeball stuck with hypodermic syringe, like in fucking nightmare, you know how Jack Nicholson says I Would Rather Stick Pins In My Eyes Than whatever it is? Well stanslav has had pins stuck in eye, or needle, which is same thing, only worse, and is shit thing to have, can't even, obviously, close fucking eyes and hope for best because is looking straight at needle coming towards eye in shaking hand of drunken misfit dope-fiend called Sandy or fucking Angus. Want local anaesthetic and carry on scorching eyeball ? No fucking thank you very fucking much. Got enough doctorshit with mad bastard wants to stop heart and rip to pieces and patch up like fucking inner-tube on bicycle, scar down front like Grand fucking Canyon and is only little bit of angina and can live fine with few pills and just as long as poor eviscerated surgery victim and probably longer and don't want some fucking eejit sticking needles in my eyeball, today. Hooligan-Sadist doctor not apologise, Fuck me, no, not say Just relax, be better soon, was pissed off, bureaucratisation of NHS has no room for individual, hyper-sensitised patient and says stanislav can go in day clinic, fly to big hospital, still get needle in eyeball but can do it in more caring environment than grubby little office, and lasershots won't hurt so much, is only pain and fuck all compared to what Afghani Wedding guest gets from Uncle Sam, but he is wog, innit, and doesn't matter, stanislav can go in bed afterwards with nice cup of tea and Jock nurse, big like elephant, keep check on observations and say There-There, Hen, There-There.
Scotland, best part of England.

thanks to editor mr. verge, there are now three anthologies of the collected works of ishmael smith:
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Thanks to editor mr. verge, there are now three anthologies of the collected works of ishmael smith:
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With the 15% voucher, PB (including delivery to a UK address) should be £16.84; HB £27.04.
Honest Not Invent, Vent Stack and Ishmael’s Blues are all available from Lulu and Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, it would be nice if you could give a review on their website.
Ishmaelites wishing to buy a copy from lulu should follow these steps :
please register an account first, at lulu.com. This is advisable because otherwise paypal seems to think it's ok to charge in dollars, and they then apply their own conversion rate, which might put the price up slightly for a UK buyer. Once the new account is set up, follow one of the links below (to either paperback or hardback) or type "Ishmael’s Blues" into the Lulu Bookstore search box. Click on the “show explicit content” tab, give the age verification box a date of birth such as 1 January 1960, and proceed.
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Link for Paperback : https://tinyurl.com/3jurrzux
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With the 15% voucher, PB (including delivery to a UK address) should be £16.84; HB £27.04.
It's me rights, innit, mrs i, to be kept and fed and watered and tended to and a roof over me 'ead and seven kids' 'eads an'all.
A body avoids paying work now until the age of 22 because it has been reading Safe Space Studies and then after 45 years of tenured busy-bodying at the Council, it avoids it for another 20 until it joins the choir invisible. This adds up to 40-odd years "working" - although we could argue about the utility of much of that - and 40-odd of not working. Say what you like but we'll just settle on half, shall we? So human beings in the West - and at best! - work half their lives. This means that even at the most optimistic end of the possible range of outcomes, we are fucked for sure. (Incidentally, I finished by 40th year of toil this last year. May I please stop? No? Fucking, No?)
If we then factor in costs and inflation and the fact that governments never save a freaking penny of today's money for tomorrow and that oldies fall to bits and need expensive maintenance and repair, we are fucked for sure doubleplusungood.
BTW I have the thinnest medical file of anybody I know. I have met my current doctor but not any of the three of four before that back to the day my 24-year-old self managed to smash the front of my own fizzer with a pair of molegrips. NB My cricket-induced frailties have yet to warrant attention. Mongoose's 17th Law: stay away from doctors' surgeries and hospitals - those places are rife with sick people.
You don't want to go retiring, mongoose, my dear - it is really bad for the health. People retire and then they have strokes, heart disease and/or dementia. Then you get to have your nappy changed by someone who couldn't spell values, let alone possess any.
Not only are doctor's surgeries and hospitals rife with sick people - they are also teeming with disease. MRSA, Norovirus, Covid and all its variants. I told you about our local hospital, didn't I? Ineradicable disease germs/spores/bacteria in the water, so that staff, visitors and discharged patients were instructed not to wash their hands but to use hand sanitiser on the way out.
The current National Health system and disorganised Care system are simply not viable as presently constituted. Good thing Sir Keir is ready and willing to sort it all out.
That NHS tableau in the London Olympics opening ceremony was excruciating. In the 2000 Aussie Olympic we had our own aboriginal moment but it was well done artistically (IMHO).
Stanislav's experience with the eyedoctorbastard is seared in my memory and caused me to persuade my wife not to have similar treatment. (She is going along quite fine now BTW).
It was just on the radio, mrs i. Naga Manchutney was doing her horrible I-am-an-independent-journalist-and-not-just-a-beeb-hack impression of somebody who actually gives a damn, and then an NHS droid was dragged out our very own John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. (Sorry, I once dwelt a three night in there. Forgot that mechanical misadventure in my healthiness claims hereabove.) And it turns out that there is a thing called "frailty" and people prone to frailty make up 4% of the folk but 40% of the health spend. It sounded very much like getting old to me but I am just a consumer and not a blessed one. They'll not be banging dustbin lide for me. Instantly a light blinked on and I understood completely all the rising fuss about a right, indeed an ESG social duty, to be auto-deaded by the medicos once you've used up your coupons. "You don't want to go back to that nasty cold flat in the dead of winter, grannie, do you? It's not your turn for the lecky until Thursday." It'll be like Logan's Run in just a heartbeat, or rather not a heartbeat.
Is there nothing that is beyond these people?
It's all about managing the poor, mr mongoose. When they're young and fit, they're managed by the benefits system, the Courts and the prisons. When they're old, it's the workhouses re-named care homes and the NHS.
None of this applies if you have enough survival tickets. Although you might be offed by over-eager offspring.
Oh, yes, tip of the day - don't set up a Power of Attorney. Once you do that, you're a hostage to fortune.
i'm sorry to have to break this to you, mrs ishmael, but the nazi health service will never be fixed whilst it continues jabbing the population with untested toxic substances; how the fuck can we ever hope to fund a viable health service which is terminally clogged-up with vaccine-victims and ukrainian war-casualties?
starmer's a thick cunt if ever there was one: he failed to notice that the pandemic was statistically fabricated, he thinks that chucking sick people out of hospital and denying medical treatment to care-home residents doesn't jack up the excess-mortality-rate sky-high, and he obsessively believes that it's every briton's duty to be crippled by an ideologically administered neo-liberal poison in order to save the nhs.
let's hope he takes the new 'bivalent' booster and saves us the cost of paying his pension.
All true mr ultrapox, all true.
Of course correlation is no proof of causation but forfuxake, a blind man on a galloping horse can see, the most jabbed and boostered countries are witnessing the highest excess mortalities.
Unless, of course, silly me, it’s climate change, artificial sweeteners, over fit athletes making their beds, brexit, working from home, a lack of statins. Bollocks.
All part of the great plan, Agenda 21. Live in a highrise, 15 minutes to work on a bus or tram, no need for private transport or holidays abroad, universal basic income, therefore no pensions and no need to live once you’re non productive. That cunt Justin castro is even offering euthanasia to folks feeling under the weather, or in need of a stairlift.
Our betters, meeting, at the moment, in Davos have it all planned out; get rid of the useless eaters, encourage the sand niggers, wogs n slanty-eyed little yella fuckers to more temperate climes, to work the farms, n all’ll be well. ‘cept it won’t.
((They)) seem to think family n tribe mean less to ‘us’ than money and status: they always do, an they’re always fuckin wrong.
To add to the list of Sir Keir's stupidities, mr ultrapox, he's a Bremainer. He'll have us back in Europe in a heart-beat, paying through the nose for the privilege of cheap itinerant labour - which benefits the owners of the means of production and not the workers. I've never understood how it can be a Labour policy to undercut the wages of the British working class. Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't keeping the costs of production down (that is, low wages) advantageous only to the wealthy?
Ah, mr inmate, our leaders are worried about excess population, not excess deaths. A certain section of the population, of course. Excess deaths are welcomed by the ruling classes as a solution to the problems of demographic imbalance, high welfare and health costs, high crime rates, insufficiency of housing and the constant, looming threat of civil unrest. Covid simply didn't kill enough people for the survivors to be valued. Unlike the Black Death, which so reduced the working population that pay and conditions went up as employers scrambled to secure the few remaining workers.
thanks for the vote of distrust in sir cure and his highly dangerous left jab, mr inmate.
having slagged off andrew bridgen mp for raising doubts about the safety of the mrna coronavirus-vaccination, it's interesting to note that the bucket-of-bullshit corporation nevertheless manages to casually slip into its hysterical hatchet-article the highly disturbing figure of 59 'covid'-vaccine-related deaths – all of which will have been officially investigated by a coroner. now, even given the 45 million 'covid'-vaccine-shots administered, this level of vaccine-related mortality indicates serious malpractice by the nhs, which has certainly not rolled-out such a hazardous vaccination-programme in generations – however, of course, one must also recognize that these 59 deaths are only those fatal cases which have been reported, and do not include many, many more which will inevitably have gone unreported, uninvestigated, and systemically covered up...
hence words and phrases such as titanic, tip-of-the-iceberg, and totalitarian tory-tosspot ardently assailing one's consciousness whenever the vomit-inducing vizage of neo-liberal nutjob sir culler starmer invades the tv-screen.
yes, indeed, mrs ishmael, kommandant keir will have us all sucking german sausage before you can say fliegerabwehrkanone.
given the apparent divorce of islamic state from western intelligence-services cia and mi6, and the recent radio-active find at heathrow-airport, i would currently consider it best practice, before being jabbed, to check any vaccine-dose with a geiger-counter – just in case the batch has been contaminated with uranium isotope 235...
reading a rabid anti-bridgen article in the cia-guardian has alerted me to the chilling news that, under a labour government led by stifler-starmer, we will no longer be permitted to complain on-line about the jab-genocide currently being committed, with absolute impunity, by the neo-liberal establishment...
and so one can but conclude that neo-labour's chief arse wants us to tell him the bare facts to his face...
or even his elbow.
To all Ishmaelites: I very strongly recommend you watch this video. I apologise in advance if you have had the mRNA vaccine.
the other day, whilst watching day-time telly, i saw norman wisdom answering live questions on 'levelling-up': he's really big in albania, i hear.
'green comet' last seen by neanderthals, is identified by homo sapiens as lump of mouldy cheese flung at earth by angry climate-change gods.
my mother was bombed-out by the nazis during the war, and i'll be fucked if i'm going to let today's tag-team of neo-liberal nazis now exterminate her with their insidiously, and ideologically, toxic juju-jab – supplied free at the point-of-delivery by the nazi health service.
in world war two, british citizens - both from the uk and the colonies - foolishly fought for the failing empire, but only did so on the understanding that they and theirs would personally profit from this dangerous venture of global domination; you see, world war two never truly comprised an ideological struggle against fascism, for during the inter-war period, the british establishment, itself fascist-to-the-core, was covertly complicit in encouraging the expansionist ambitions of an, at the time, anglophile hitler - in the vain hope that the nazis would destroy the soviet union...
nevertheless, fast-forward one hundred years to the present, and in its hope that kiev's far-right nationalist forces might fatally undermine russia, neo-imperialist nato is, much in the same manner, cynically encouraging the territorial, and racially supremacist, ambitions of the westwardly-parasitic ukrainian government.
when russia achieved victory-in-europe and the united states were vainglorious in testing genocidal nuclear technology in japan, the empire-relinquishing british establishment - sensing seething civil dissatisfaction, and even revolution, in the blustery post-war air - recognized that its armed and battle-hardened british citizens were - for their 'selfless' sacrifice and suffering in the undemocratic shambles of a prizeless churchillian débâcle - owed a fuck-up bounty, and thus the grumbling citizens of britain were expediently bought-off with a fake welfare state - whilst the cantankerous citizens of the colonies were, after a spot of bother in kenya, solemnly granted fake independence, along with cheaply remunerated jobs in the nhs or on london transport.
in the fallow years of hollow victory following worldwide fuck-up 2, indispensable establishment-nazis were quietly inducted by the cia into europe's fledgling post-war institutions - such as later became the european union and the european court of justice - meanwhile militarily invaluable nazi-scientists were hoovered-up by operation paperclip to boost megalomaniac might in neo-imperialist america.
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
in 2023, we brits no longer have an empire for which to fight, nevertheless we do still labour under a fascist british establishment chock-a-block with cia-corrupted crypto-nazis - whom we are now obliged to battle simply in order to damn-well stay alive, let alone independent.
by bribing its citizens with fancy food, gratuitous goods, and eternal entertainment, the british establishment has, since worldwide fuck-up 2, largely gotten away with bombing wogs and niggers back to the stone-age, however today, driven by an insatiable greed for absolute power, our establishment of cia-suckled puppets has irrationally and conceitedly turned its genocidal sights upon british citizens themselves – of every colour and creed – and is thus psychotically and obsessively sowing the seeds of its own well-deserved and overdue destruction.
of course, this persecution of the common british citizen has never been more deplorably evident than since the 2016 eu membership-referendum, when - by voting to leave the hated european empire - the uk's working classes registered their historic protest against the shameless establishment-oppression they've long suffered at the smooth hands of the brussels-centric british bourgeoisie - a panicked bunch of cia-corrupted snobs, who at the behest of the paranoid neo-liberal establishment, and by way of frothing authoritarian revenge, then brazenly declared open social war upon the afore-mentioned uppity eu-allergic plebs.
now, as the gods of political poetic justice would have it, western establishment hubris currently equals that of the soviet union prior to its disintegration and dissolution – with the result that none but the extremely simple-minded any longer believes news broadcast via the official media.
indeed, within today's western establishment, such is the level of pompous self-delusion and self-isolation that the snobs, who arrogantly infest this comfy neo-liberal cuckoo-land, have irrevocably bought into the mythology of their own propaganda, and thus nowadays we experience an utterly absurd situation in which the 'educated' middle-classes quake with ideological fear at the never-occurring climate-emergency, at the virus-less aids-crisis, and at the statistically fabricated covid-pandemic - whilst, blessed with an incy wincy iota of common-sense, the 'ignorant' plebs just laugh at this astonishing array of universal stupidity and the self-deceiving cunts who pathetically exhibit it.
ironically, the trust of establishment-snobs in the manufacture of their own maldeveloped malfunctioning jab is as absolute as their perverse addiction to power, thus the damage which they obsessively inflict upon themselves will be irreparable, and the demise of their neo-imperialist dictatorship final.
thankfully, by vaccinating itself against the effects of both a statistically fabricated pandemic and the truth, the terminally-decadent establishment of never-ending neo-liberal nihilism, nepotism, and repression has at last autocratically arranged its own auto-da-fé.
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