Sunday, 23 March 2025

No Sunday Ishmael: 23/03/2025

mrs ishmael is unwell.


mongoose said...

Sory to hear that, mrs i. Get well soon!

Bungalow Bill said...

Yes, all the best, Mrs I.

verge said...

Getwell soonest, mrs ish. Rest & fluids, & fluids & rest.

Mike said...

Take good care, Mrs I.

inmate said...

Get well soon mrs I, plenty Lemsips and the occasional single malt

mongoose said...

Bananas, water, hot water bottle and rest! Don't forget the bananas!

mrs ishmael said...

Thanks, folks! I'm dreadfully weak and had a rough weekend. So it's another pyjama day for me.

Johnny said...

Get well soon. Take care.

cascadian said...

Distressing to hear you are ill once again mrs ishmael, I remember the previous episode you seemed to be describing "long covid".

You will not want to take medical advice from me but I would direct you to a series of you-tube videos by Dr John Campbell and Dr David Grimes who argue convincingly (in my opinion) that vitamin D is essential for fighting infection (of any kind).

Unfortunately people who live in northern regions, who are older or have dark skin are normally woefully deficient in vitamin D and therefore CANNOT fight infection. Luckily a remedy is available in the form of Calcifidiol, which they argue works within five days.

Anyway you may wish to review their conversations (which are mainly aimed at covid, but also apply to generalized infections) and form your own impressions of whether their recommendations may be beneficial.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

Mike said...

Excellent advice re Vit D, Mr cascadian. I take it and I live in Sydney.

mrs ishmael said...

Thanks, guys, for your good wishes and remedies. Bananas? Why bananas, mr mongoose? I'll get some when I'm well enough to get out to Mr. Tesco's Emporium.
You have a good memory, mr cascadian - yes, I had a virus last May, topped off with another one in June and I didn't recover from the fatigue. Blood tests revealed iron-deficient anaemia - my iron count was way low. So I've been taking an iron supplement since last August, together with my other supplementation - which, yes, includes Vitamin D. I read a medical article that said the body locks up its iron supplies in response to the Covid onslaught. I've had all the nasty invasive oscopies to see if the iron deficiency was caused by bleeding - but, no! It was just a thing. A covid thing.
This time around, I've got a seasonal upper respiratory tract infection, which tends to knock me sideways because I have compromised lung function - asthma, which wasn't helped by my heavy smoking habit in my earlier life.
Hoping to return to my role as your Keyboard Worrier - getting stronger every day.