Friday 5 July 2024

Oh Brave new world that has such bastards in it.


Didn't Farage do well? More than blew the bloody doors off. Worst election results for the Tories since 1835. This is what they were wearing in 1835:

And, yes, the blokes were wearing corsets.
So, a long time ago - but not long since Boris secured for them a massive majority and they frittered it away with their sneaky little deals to subvert the Brexit settled will of the people by importing cheap labour, by their taking ways, by driving the economy into the mud, and, basically, not giving a hairy pig's arse about the working class, despite re-dubbing them "hard-working people" and conveniently forgetting about the people not able to work by reason of age, infirmity or the crashed state of the economy.
That's the wealthy wife, standing a few paces behind the defeated Sunak, pressed up against the Downing Street railings. They neither of them know how to dress themselves, but they do learn - Mrs. Sunak, clutching an umbrella firmly, is determined to avoid another wet suit disaster. I did advise him previously to employ an umbrella-wallah.
Brilliant result for the SNP. Well, maybe they don't realise it yet, but now they can stop pretending to be a serious political party, stop any pretence of government and policy and get on with doing what they do best - whinging. Really good that the peepul of Scotland didn't ignore the disgraceful sight of police vehicles parked outside Gnasher Sturgeon's home, their motor-home being impounded as profits of crime and Mr. Sturgeon being charged with embezzlement. They were wiped out and Labour is back, with a vengeance. Remember Gnasher saying this election would be a de facto referendum with the peepul of Scotland being given the opportunity to declare their desire to leave the U.K. by voting for the SNP in droves? Well, they didn't. And Alba, headed up by Big Fat Smart Aleck, got no votes seats at all. None. That's zilch. So that's it for Scottish Independence. George Osborne, commentating on the ITV election coverage, summed it up neatly: a unilateral referendum has no legal validity and the only way that Westminster would allow a legal referendum, (cos the Tories would rather stick pins in their eyes than do that again),  was if a minority Labour government joined hands with the SNP in coalition. And there's really no need for that, then, is there? Talking of ITV's commentators - they had Gnasher pontificating at the table with the grown-up politicians. Gosh, she's piled on the pounds since being a disgraced politician. And to show that we're even-handed here, and not at all misogynistic, they also had Fat Neil Kinnock, who has not only grown several chins since leaving office, but he's also developed a beard that failed the struggle to hide the chins. Mind you, I think he was drunk. Could have been a combination of the Welsh accent, extreme age and the emotion of being back on national telly being treated seriously, but I think he was drunk - it was when he talked about Tony and Cherie entering 10, Downing Street and how it should have been him and Glen. Aww, bless.
The turn-out was a statement in itself. It is said that it is not apathy, but anger, keeps voters away from the polling station - you know - the lot of you are a bunch of truffle-eating establishment stiffoes and a pox on all your houses. Forty per cent of the electorate decided not to vote. That's a lot. That means that half the population has had it with parliamentary democracy. Best be careful. Didn't Stalin say of Churchill: " I'm more of a democrat than he is, and I'm a Dictator?"
So, who's gone? Practically everyone, but the bigish beasties who will be down the dole office tomorrow are:
Grant Shapps - Defence Secretary
Gillian Keegan - Education Secretary
Penny Mordaunt - Commons Leader and Sword Bearer, with magnificent hair
Lucy Frazer - Culture Secretary
David TC Davies - Welsh Secretary
Michelle Donelan- Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary
Simon Hart - Chief Whip
Johnny Mercer- Veterans Minister

For some unfathomable reason, 23.059 people in Richmond and Northallerton voted for their boy Rishi - so I suppose that means he will become an Opposition back bencher, unless he further kicks his party by resigning and forcing a by-election immediately after the general election.
Shetland and Orkney returned Big Al Carmichael for the Liberal Democrats - no surprise there. There wasn't much of an opposition, as Labour and Conservatives both helicoptered in adolescents still learning the political ropes. The Reform candidate was Orkney-based fisherman Robert Smith, who knew he didn't have much of a hope, as he freely admitted on Radio Orkney. He told the listeners that Big Al was a good man, a local man, a hard working politician who knows the ropes, whereas he, Smith, was standing just to give voters somewhere to park their opposition votes. When asked for his views on the monarchy, Smith said he would rather have Fred and Rose West than Charles and Camilla. Which was a bit rude. And may account for why he only got 1,586 votes as opposed to Big Al's 11,392. He didn't want the job anyway.


Anonymous said...

Yep - the cirque du murk has a new ringmaster. Meet the new boss - even worse than the old boss? Every chance.


mrs ishmael said...

At least Starmer looks like a Prime Minister, mr verge, dresses properly, has a pretty wife and is already a Sir. I think he would never have run home early from the Dunkirk commemoration event, leaving Slab-Face to represent Britain. They all do what they're told, anyway. The big single thing that will get the economy growing again is to reduce mortgage interest rates. Keep it up for other transactions, if necessary - but houses need to start shifting again. Kids need to leave home and have their own place. Old folk need to be able to down size. Carpet manufacturers, estate agents, curtain makers, kitchen fitters, white goods manufacturers and removal firms will all be stimulated by a house market on the move.
I like that coinage, by the way - cirque du murk has a certain je ne sais pas.

Mike said...

That dress. Pity those prone to migraines and vertigo.

Mike said...

Here's a good discussion of the UK election and the big picture in the West. The first 20mins especially.

inmate said...

We’re fucked, that’s for sure. Every union’ll be on strike for the big bucks, once the Liebore govament give the junior doctors 35%.
Refugees will be encouraged to make the crossings, by mrs Balls, cos crayons Rayner gonna build em all houses. Geography Lammy will do his best to rile bad Vlad. Henry VII ruled after Henry VIII you no, fuckin mastermind. And that bloke Rachel Reeves is gonna make us all wealthier, give me a break. Never has there been a govament so stuffed with retards.
Yes it’s good that the tories got beaten and that cunts like schatts, mordor, Hellwood, Rees mogg n liz trussed lost their place at the trough.
The best bit though was all fat Alec’s crew, Alba, lost their deposits, ha ha, and the tribesmen well…

inmate said...

Three an a half million votes, 71 seats. Four million votes, 4 seats.

cascadian said...

Best commentary I have seen so far on the Brit election, with bonus French election bile:

"As for Reform, Nigel took the name and strategy from Preston Manning's breakaway party from the Canadian Tories three decades ago. On their first election campaign in 1993, Mr Manning's Reformers won 52 seats out of the 295 in the Ottawa House of Commons - and under exactly the same first-past-the-post system as at Westminster. By contrast, last night began with a BBC exit poll showing Farage winning thirteen seats and establishing Reform as the fourth largest party in the House. In the cold reality of dawn, that's shrunk to just four seats - compared to, say, seven for Sinn Féin"

mongoose said...

The French, for obvious reasons, hate Farage and Reform, mr cascadian.

On Thursday, Starmer got fewer votes than the Magic Grandpa got five years ago. The LibDems likewise stood still. One cannt cmplain that these two parties present teir performances as triumphs - that's politicis - but triumphs they were not. On Thursday, Reform - a startup party - brought the Conservative Party to its knees in a single night. Their worst result for tw hundred years, a dozen cabinet ministers out of a job. More importantly, people have an alternative now. Next time, peple can vote Reform and those vtes will turn into seats. The Tories are now at a crossroads: adopt conservative policies... or risk death.

mongoose said...

And people are doing deeper analysis now:

"In constituencies where Labour started in second place to the Conservatives, support for the [Labour] party rose by six points, well above the two-point increase in Labour support across the country as a whole. Support for the Liberal Democrats fell by a point in these seats.

But where the Liberal Democrats were the principal challenger locally, voters turned to Sir Ed Davey’s party to evict the Tories. In these seats, support for the party rose by nine points, compared with just the one-point elsewhere."

So a deliberate tactical massacre has taken place. The people have anihalated the Tories.

cascadian said...

The point that Mark Steyn made was that a "first-past-the-post" voting system was NOT a hindrance to insurgent parties in Canaduh, this seems to be a feature of Brit politics, and not to be too polite it smacks of massive poll manipulation.

A story that has attracted almost zero attention is the Reform seat at West Thurrock, Essex (the fifth Reform seat) which required two recounts before the result was declared, only through the diligence of the candidates family was victory achieved. Given the non-existent "party machinery" of Reform were the vote counts at all other locations adequately scrutineered? How many decisions in favour of Liebour made at the polling count?

Given what we know about postal votes, fake identities and what-all there is scope for massive fraud. If FPTP works in Canaduh why not in Britland?

mongoose said...

Yes, I agree with that, Sir. Farage has mentioned the lack of local infrastructure. FOr what its worth, I reckon that the actual counting of the bits of paper is pretty honest in the UK. It happens in an open hall and candidates and thei agents etc can wander abut and watch. (BTW paper counting for te whole nation was accomplished in about 9 hours!)

But we now have to add the massive potential for corruption of family votes via postal voting. It is absolutely the truth that the Left cares more abut victory than honour. But the Left has a history of being revolutionary and revolutionaries are less caring about the rules than the revolted against. Elections are pretty straight here after the actual "voting" has taken place.

Voting was hard here in Bandit Country - there was a queue and I had to take ID for the first time. "What's your name? What's your address? [A check that that ID is registered to vote.] Show me a picture." That is how it should be.

cascadian said...

My faith in free-and-fair elections is at its lowest ebb mr mongoose. This post related to France enforces the view that fair elections are a myth.

Thank you for the update on UK voting requirements, do you think perhaps this is all circus? the electoral commission notes that:

We take the risk of electoral fraud very seriously.

Throughout the year, all police forces across the UK send us data about allegations of electoral fraud that they receive and investigate.

Of the 1,462 cases of alleged electoral fraud reported to police between 2019 and 2023, 11 led to convictions and the police issued 4 cautions.

Most cases either resulted in the police taking no further action or were locally resolved by the police issuing words of advice.
That does not seem to be a robust system.

btw it would seem that I could have voted in the election even though I have not set foot in the country for twenty years! Imagine the possibilities for fraud.

cascadian said...

Meanwhile in the good old US of A

Who will be surprised when Donald Trump once again is robbed of the presidency?

cascadian said...

And canaduh politicians voting in French elections

mrs narcolept said...

They seem to have tightened up postal vote rules a bit - this time only a maximum of five ballot envelopes could be handed in at the polling station by one person.

I see what you mean, mr cascadian, about the difference between the result in Canada and here. If Reform had included breakaway traditional Conservative sitting MPs they might have won their seats back under the new badge, but many of them stood down rather than fight another day. As for fraud: well, it’s not impossible, though I think more likely that sick as people are of the Tories, many voted LibDem rather than risk ending up with a Labour MP. It is interesting that the West Country went overwhelmingly towards them, whereas the East edged towards Reform. And it’s just anecdotal, but some of my Welsh connections told me they were surprisingly keen on Reform too; they came second there in a few Labour strongholds.

I am only just back to full awakeness after staying up all Thursday night. Not sure I will be able to do that again in five years’ time.

inmate said...

mrs ishmael said...
At least Starmer looks like a Prime Minister, yep he certainly looks like a cunt

cascadian said...

Thank you for your thoughts mrs narcolept, in case there was any doubt that the tories were busy trousering cash for themselves when they should have been focussed on governing for the people we have the latest example of BoJo the clown talking at the RNC in Milwaukee, to say that nobody is interested in his bloviating is an understatement, the "audience" is probably a hastily gathered group of bag-carriers and security team.

ultrapox said...

indeed he does, mr inmate: a cunt's cunt

ultrapox said...

mrs ishmael, realpolitik dictates that interest-rates will not decrease in the uk unless, or until, interest-rates fall in the united states - unfortunately however, the us federal reserve cannot readily lower interest-rates due to a biden-economy inflated by $1.7 trillion of green-spending on a, non-existent, climate-emergency.

should the bank of england decide unilaterally to reduce interest-rates, currency-speculators will simply sail across the atlantic in search of more attractive returns on investments, and this exodus from the british market will cause sterling to tank - just as it did, during the doomed democrat-detonated truss-premiership, when the bank of england negligently refused to raise uk interest-rates in line with those of the us...

therefore, if you're banking on a significant drop in uk mortgage-rates this year, dream-on baby - and the join the dole-queue with the rest of the neoliberally-duped financially-illiterate british middle-class.

of course, as a confirmed city-slicker, riski so-knackered was well-aware of the above-described international interest-rate-trap, and having realized that things could only get shitter, decided to hold an early uk-election.

by-the-way, what nest-bound youngsters rather need is a good old-fashioned house-price-crash.

ultrapox said...

hey, does anyone else reckon that kamala hashish looks spliffed-up, over-medicated, or actually drunk?