Friday 16 February 2024



  • Russia’s prison agency says Navalny has died at the age of 47 while serving a 19-year sentence at the IK-3 Arctic prison colony. He “felt unwell” after a walk and “almost immediately lost consciousness” and died, it said. They really should have looked after him better. It will not play well.
  • IK-3 Kharp panorama 
That brave, beautiful, reckless man has not lived to see the spring.

Sir Karl Jenkins: Sakura, Spring Has Come


Mike said...

Apparently Navalny died soon after a visit from his lawyer.

Some speculation that it could be a CIA operation to counter the Putin interview which has been resonating in the West and around the world.

Mike said...

Link to account

Anonymous said...

You know what lawyers are like - perhaps the poor sod had just been presented with a bill.

And at least the arctic circle locus rules out any "fell down the steppes" gags that might have accrued if the gulag in question had been in the Russian South.


mrs ishmael said...

Thank you for the link, mr mike, but Russia Today has been blocked in the U.K., since the commencement of the Ukrainian war, so I can't follow the link.
A Black Op makes a certain sort of twisted sense. But, whether Navalny was killed or died of natural causes, it is tremendously sad. As I said in my little post, they should have taken better care of him - no doubt his body was weakened by the poisoning attempt, by his own hunger strike, illness and his detention in a cold and remote prison. Why the hell did he go back to Russia, after his recovery from the poisoning attempt? He must have had some confidence in the fairness of the Russian criminal justice system.
Thoughts go out to his widow.

Mike said...

Mrs I: any death (or more correctly, most deaths) are sad on a personal level.

I think it is generally accepted that Navalny was a Western intelligence asset, or at least close to and promoted by the West. This has been widely discussed back to 2013 when he had a failed run for mayor of Moscow, and he briefly became the darling of the West.

Here is a link to discussion with former CIA officers today talking about this. Skip to 10.35 mins.

Finally, there has been a lot of evidence and discussion of Navalny's drug habits. This will not have helped.

mrs ishmael said...

Thank you, mr mike, very illuminating discussion by the Judge and his two chums. It all makes sense now. America being the Great Satan again and Navalny yet another expendable tool of the West.

Bungalow Bill said...

“I tell you naught for your comfort,
Yea, naught for your desire,
Save that the sky grows darker yet
And the sea rises higher.”

mrs ishmael said...

GK Chesterton: Ballad of the White Horse
Ah, mr bungalow bill, you have winkled out some wonderful words from the master. Chesterton's verse drives forward his narrative, but, lord, it's a long one.
A veritable Autolycus, mr b.b. - "a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles"
I hope you enjoyed Sakura, albeit I pressed it into sad service to honour Navalny's passing.

Bungalow Bill said...

Lovely, thank you, Mrs I. Against the grain, as you say, although perhaps not, in truth.