skymadeupnewsandfilth keep on fermenting hatred and anger, even that old woman, on her deathbed, virtually, and the tabloids are urging her to publicly beg Ian Brady for the location of her wee son's grave - I drove over Saddleworth Moor recently, on the motorway, and the prospect of some stonemad lifer, after forty years banged-up, being able to distinguish one clump of heather from another is risible. And yet, instead of allowing this poor woman to make such accommodation as she can with the evil which visited her, some filthy piece of shit like Kelvin McKenzie has harried her, even unto death, ripping away any healing tissue which might have covered her dreadful wound. C'mon, Mrs, tell us how much you hate him, C'mon, Mrs, get yer tits of grief out, for the readers, like, here's a hundred quid.
Victim Justice, whipped up, choreographed, lovingly, lingeringly and lavishly described for the delight of the salivating public by *MadeUpNewsandFilth, conspiring with "victims", who sniff the wind for their 15 minutes of fame, and maybe a book deal, a serialisation, a fucking box set and who will play me? Kim Kardashian? Lizzo, more like.
Victim Justice, undermining the impartiality and objectivity of the law, focussed on the dripping emotion of those damaged by the crime, equalled in its sentimentality only by the superstition of those throwing around evil as a term of abuse. What, evil? As in the devil and all his cohorts? Possession and all that? Mediaeval or what?
Okay, she's not right, young Lucy. As the estimable Mr Justice Goss (he of the Carl Beech trial) commented: most people don't kill babies. Babies usually excite emotions of care and compassion - although there's probably more infanticides going on than are known or prosecuted. So if the normal human response to babies is to look after them, not kill them, then Lucy's brain is not wired in the same way as most people's brains. In which case, why is she being sent to prison? Where she will most certainly die - and a damn sight faster than might be expected of a 33 year old; her fellow inmates and prison officers wanting to prove how morally superior they are by extracting their own version of justice. Why isn't she in a facility for the treatment of the mentally ill? I don't know, I haven't read the psychiatric and probation reports in the case, but I'd guess that it is because she has been diagnosed as psychopathic - and there is no treatment for psychopathy - so there you go, Lucy, into the prison establishment with you, take your chances. Lucy committed her offences between June 2015 and June 2016, when she was 26 years old - certainly not a child, but, from the photos of her bedroom that the press have been running, not very mature - there's a teddy bear, for fuck's sake.

Seven years ago, seven years during which the parents of the real victims, the murdered babies, have not dealt with their grief, have not moved through the stages of bereavement to patch up an accommodation with life - and put the death of their baby, only just arrived on the shores of time, behind them, with Christian forgiveness and fortitude. And this suspended animation owes much to the ramifications of Victim Justice - in which these parents have been encouraged to pore over their victim statements - vying to state just how bad it has been, how their lives are ruined, to throw insults and names at the perpetrator, to encourage the Judge to use the heaviest sentences at his disposal - one father interviewed on the radio said that no punishment could be bad enough. What does he want? Hanging, disembowelling, sending the sundered head of Lucy, displayed on a pike, on progress through the Kingdom?
The Victim Statements, admitted one mother of a murdered baby, were not the work of a moment, they were crafted over time, designed to present their suffering in the most extreme light.
The baying of the mob is the most chilling aspect of this. Public executions were banned in Britain in 1868 - but I'd betcha they'd be reintroduced in a flash if the Great British Public had a say in the matter. And Prime Minister Sunak couldn't be relied upon - he's promising to pass legislation to force prisoners into the dock to hear the Judge's comments and sentence in person. How's that going to work, Mr Sunak? Strapping the prisoner to a board and draping them in chains? Insert matchsticks under the eyelids to keep them watching? Gagging them to prevent distracting comments interrupting the flow of Judicial remarks?
Victims' statements are the very antithesis of justice, are they not, mrs i? We have courts and juries and such because victims don't think straight, and victims' mums and dads want to take Black & Deckers to those who have hurt their kids. All understandable but not in line with yon lass on top of the Royal Courts of justice in the Strand - her sword, her scales and her blindfold.
I ahve not heard BTW of a single shred of actual physical eveidence linking Loopy Lucy to a crime. To lock her up forever on some attendance stats and some nicked bits of paper seems a tad harsh. Mind, my ols lawyer firend used to say that if you have not attended every day of court, you do not know the case and should remain silent while any wo did attend speaks.
Indeed, Mrs mongoose; I neither have seen any concrete evidence. A lot of circumstantial stuff. I read the jury deliberated for 100 hours, so this wasn't a slam dunk.
In the last year, down here, we had an inquiry into the Folbigg case where a woman was imprisoned for the deaths of her children. Subsequent scientific evidence has proven that the children had a genetic disorder making them liable to sudden death. The woman's conviction was quashed. But she will not get back the 20+ years she spent inside carrying the burden she has had to carry.
I've noted the bile and vitriol being poured out in the UK media. Braying for blood. And I agree with your point on witness statements, which seem a carry over from cruelty TV.
Curiously - or maybe just downright outrageously - I think the blindfold was left off when they did a refurb some years back, mr mongoose.
And now the victims are baying for the managers' blood - they've got the scent of money in their nostrils and they'll be suing the hospital for restitutionary compensation. No doubt that will further extend the grieving process and will require more victim-statement-crafting.
Deeply humane and a vital corrective, Mrs I. Dear God, what a desperate waste.
Apparently she never had a blindfolf up there, mr v. One learns something every day. I will start a petition to have one added just as soon as I have a spare moment.
BTW and O/T, Tucker Carlson's recent interview with Col MacGregor, throughout which Tucker sits with a look of astounded horror. I reckon Carlson asked about seven questions in the whole hour while the good Colonel shredded everything TPTB present as unassailable facts, all obvious and delightful and due in no small part to St Joseph Biden.
If the Ukrainian casualty fgures are anywhere near, we are all of us complicit in something truly terrible. We should have burned the buggers down before we let this happen.
Mr mongoose: Col Macgregor is saying on other channels (see Judging Freedom, with Judge Andrew Napolitano) that there are 500k Ukies dead and twice that permanently injured; apparently the amputees are >50k. Its an industrial slaughter, and there are now calls for Western (US) politicians and military to be tried for war crimes; Scott Ritter says the US military command should be court-martialed as they would never have allowed US troops to do what they have directed the Ukies to do.
BTW I recommend Judge Napolitano's live shows with Larry Johnson, Ray MacGovern, Scott Ritter and Phil Giraldi - all ex-CIA and/or military.
The war coverage in the UK is still total bullshit, boarderline insane.
PS Mr mongoose: remember this is still a "Special Military Operation" designed to minimise casualties. As the good Colonel has said: God help Ukraine and NATO if this transitions to a real war.
Thank you for the link, mr mongoose, to Tucker Carlson's interview with Col Macgregor. Not a quick watch, but a hugely instructive summary of the American motivation and drivers in this undeclared war against Russia - and some devastating facts about casualties and armaments - no wonder Tucker had a look of astounded horror. Interesting fact about the inappropriate engines installed in American tanks, which run so hot for the scant 8 hours of their operational time between re-fuellings, that they are prone to bursting into flames and the heat signature of even a static tank is visible from space.
Must have been a false memory, mr mongoose. The blindfold that never was.
It's an interesting historical rumination, mr v, about Lady Justicia. All the way back to the Eygptian Ma'at, the justice seeker/keeper has been feminine. The blindfold seems to have been a masculine addition in the 16/17th Century. Men again unable just to sit and see the universe and we in it for what it has always been.
Allegedly the deaths of the innocents carried on even after Nurse Letby was removed from the paediatric ward, the ward itself has been remodelled and made over since Nurse Letby was removed and the deaths of the innocents is of nothing compared to the deaths by ‘virus’ and ‘vaxx’ since the plannedemic, at the same hospital.
Personally I have a deep loathing of the Doctorbastard spokesperson who keeps appearing on local tele, to tell us all how hard he tried to remove her, that no one would listen to him, that he couldn’t prove it was Nurse Letby but he was certain it was her, ‘cause …. reasons.
Yes Mr Mike, we have Andrew Malkinson released after 17 years for not committing rape. Circumstantial evidence eh? Is that like - all Germans are Nazi’s, ‘cause the Nazi’s were German?
Oh, and ‘they’ want Malkinson to pay for his bed and board for the time he was inside.
It is standard practice, mr inmate, to deduct "hotel costs" from compensation payments made to the innocent for their incarceration. A bit like the Chinese authorities sending the family of executed prisoners a bill for the bullet. However, enough outrage has been expressed so that the authorities have excused Mr. Malkinson these deductions, and there is now a movement to ban these costs being levied against released innocent prisoners in the future and to repay the deductions already made.
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